The wheels are already turning.

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 7:12 PM, John A. Debay <> wrote:
> I'm one of the software developers behind Twitbit, an iPhone Twitter
> application ( We were the first full-featured
> iPhone Twitter client to support push notifications because we've felt
> from the beginning that being notified of relevant tweets and DMs "in
> the background" was an important part of the Twitter experience,
> especially on a mobile device.
> Our current server implementation polls Twitter periodically on the
> user's behalf for mentions and direct messages. If a new one is found,
> a notification is sent to the user's phone.
> While this solution works reasonably well, we'd like to be able to
> push messages to our users in real-time. We've been interested in the
> streaming API, but it appears it could only solve part of our problem,
> namely notifying users when they've been mentioned publicly. In order
> to keep all of our current functionality, we'd need to maintain the
> current polling solution to send notifications for users who protect
> their tweets and for direct messages.
> I'd like to know if there are any plans to either:
> - Provide some facility for accessing private data through the
> streaming API, or
> - Provide some other mechanism for applications like ours to gain real-
> time access to this private data.
> Of course, all of this would be moot if Apple would provide a
> mechanism for running background processes, but they don't so here we
> are.
> Thanks in advance.
> John

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