Hm... that's bad, very bad! why is it not possible, the users download
our application, login with there twitter account, and it works?
(with.. from my app parameter).
is it possible, to get a explicit source parameter?

On 8 Feb., 18:55, John Meyer <> wrote:
> On 2/8/2010 7:25 AM, _Bensn wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > is it possible to develope a twitter application which uses oauth and
> > it can be used by more different users without that every user musst
> > create the customer key and -secret?
> > we want to develope a own twitter application with own api, and we
> > also want to set the "from ["MY_APP"] parameter. But we also want that
> > every user can use this application, without long authentication
> > proceses.
> > Best regards,
> > Benjamin
> Well, technically they aren't creating the customer keys (public and
> secret).  Those are yours.  What they're creating are their own oAuth
> keys (public and secret).  But I'm assuming you have your terms mixed
> up.  What you need to do is create several different profiles (i.e. sets
> of different oAuth keys) and store them somewhere in the computer.
> Registry, ini keys, database, cookies, where-ever.  Then you load those
> up.  So multiple users (technically user accounts) can use the same
> account.  How you secure those is up to you.  And the authentication
> process really isn't that long when you get down to it.

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