 A Negative Times A Negative, Is a Positive.
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Humor & Amusement

On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 12:34 PM, John Krutsch <johnkrut...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> It is with profound sense of sadness i write this email to you. I
> don't know how you will find this but you just have to forgive me for
> not telling you before leaving. I traveled down to United Kingdom for
> a short vacation but unfortunately,i got mugged at gun point on my way
> to the hotel where i lodged.All my money and all other vital documents
> including my credit cards and my cell phone have been stolen by the
> muggers.
>   I've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not
> helping issues at all,Things are difficult here and i don't know what
> to do at the moment that why i email to ask if you can lend me $900.00
> so i can settle the hotel bills and get a return ticket back home.
> Please do me this great help and i promise to refund the money as soon
> as i get back home
>  I look forward to your positive response,so i can send you the
> details you need to send the money to me through Western Union.
> Thanks
>   John.

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