Are you on an Arduino or similar platform? I think there is actually a Twitter library for Arduino, but I don't know the details. People who have their plants tweet when they need watering must have some way of getting to the API. ;-)
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." ~ Paul Erd?s

Quoting nick sturtzel <>:

I am an artist/n00b programmer trying to integrate electronics with my
art. I would like to use streaming information from twitter to power a
series of leds. The person interacting with the project would input
three search terms and the program I would like to write would then
send a signal to a microcontoller every time a tweet from the public
timeline includes one of those search terms. My question is how do i
make my program, most likely written in C, communicate with twitter?
Any help with any aspect of this project would be great.


Nick Sturtzel

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