
On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 2:44 PM,
<twitter-development-talk+nore...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group: http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/topics
> Missing replies to followed user (streaming api) [3 Updates]
> Is there support for the OAuth 2-legged model? [8 Updates]
> Bulk User Relationship Lookup? [2 Updates]
> reducing traffic back from twitter [1 Update]
> xAuth approvals? [1 Update]
> Follow #topics [2 Updates]
> getting authenticated user's rate-limit-using rest API. [2 Updates]
> 403 on duplicate post - when? [1 Update]
> Is there a way to to make the streaming API track parameter be case
> sensitive? [2 Updates]
> Almost real time [1 Update]
> Question about xAuth. [1 Update]
> Best Practice - Parsing the Location Field [1 Update]
>  Topic: Missing replies to followed user (streaming api)
> briantroy <brian.cosin...@gmail.com> Mar 23 01:42PM -0700 ^
> We seem to consistently miss replies to users using the streaming api.
> Our methodology:
> If one of our users specifies a twitter user name we both follow the
> user (using the folllow= predicate) and track on the user's username
> (using the track= predicate).
> Our assumption was that this would get structured replies and retweets
> (via the follow) and unstructured (via the track).
> This appears to not be the case. We never get some replies.
> For example: Tweet ID: 10942140971 was never received (in reply to
> me). Most of these appear to come from 3rd party clients - but this
> example came from the web.
> We can confirm (via our logs) that the tweet never comes in on the
> stream.
> Anyone else seeing anything like this or have a proven methodology for
> getting all mentions?
> Thanks,
> Brian Roy
> Mark McBride <mmcbr...@twitter.com> Mar 23 02:19PM -0700 ^
> What track/follow paramaters were you using to get this?
> "follow=briantroy&track=briantroy"?
> ---Mark
> http://twitter.com/mccv
> briantroy <brian.cosin...@gmail.com> Mar 23 02:28PM -0700 ^
> Mark -
> Two separate threads (one user is restricted track, the other is
> shadow).
> Track user/thread is running track=briantroy (along with 230 something
> other terms). The Follow thread/user is follow=4246611 - which is my
> userid (along with 60 something other user id's).
> Both threads have logging turned up to list each tweet id they
> receive. These threads DO NOTHING with the JSON beyond popping it onto
> a queue.
> Brian
>  Topic: Is there support for the OAuth 2-legged model?
> Grantcv1 <grant.vergott...@gmail.com> Mar 23 08:50AM -0700 ^
> Hi,
> I am building an app that will programmatically update my twitter
> status every hour or so. It will update my status from a server
> running without any interaction from me.
> From what I have learned, I should use OAuth rather than basic
> authentication. It seems that basic authentication is to shut down
> June 2010 (which seems rather soon).
> I have spent a day and a restless night reading OAuth specs and then
> dreaming about them all night long :( I am guessig that I need the 2-
> legged model rather than the 3-legged model as there is to be no user
> interaction and my consumer application wants access to a single user
> resource only - a resource it is directly tied to. Hence my
> application is both the consumer and the user.
> I have read the 2007 spec that was put out on the 2-legged model. I
> have also read the most recent OAuth 1.0a spec which seems to ignore
> the 2-legged model. Doing a search for 2-legged or two-legged on this
> website yields nothing which make me think that what I am trying to do
> - programmatically update a user status - isn't something anyone would
> want to do. As that seems totally unlikely, I am wondering if I am
> totally barking up the wrong tree.
> Can something help point me in the right direction?
> Thanks,
> Grant
> Lil Peck <lilp...@gmail.com> Mar 23 11:19AM -0500 ^
>> From what I have learned, I should use OAuth rather than basic
>> authentication. It seems that basic authentication is to shut down
>> June 2010 (which seems rather soon).
> I share your concern!
> I use Classic ASP (Yes, there are many of us still using it it because
> we like it!) and I have a classified ads on my site that automatically
> sends a tweet out to announce whenever a new ad has been posted. For
> my needs, Oauth seems to be convoluted and bloated. I've spotted lots
> of Classic ASP users searching for an Oauth solution for their code.
> I'm trying to understand it to figure out how to adapt my app to it,
> but I may have to give up the automatic tweets. :(
> Raffi Krikorian <ra...@twitter.com> Mar 23 09:30AM -0700 ^
> we're literally working on 2-legged oauth for our public methods as i type
> this.
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Team
> http://twitter.com/raffi
> Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com> Mar 23 09:31AM -0700 ^
> Hi all,
> We don't yet support two-legged OAuth but see value in its use for actions
> requiring client application authorization but not necessarily user-based
> authentication. As Raffi notes, we're implementing it now.
> However, two-legged OAuth does not necessarily solve the issue you're
> looking to solve, actions requiring an actor like tweeting, favoriting, etc.
> would still require an OAuth access token. In the case of a single purpose
> application with a single user, you would leverage OAuth to exchange your
> own credentials for an access token which you could then re-use indefinitely
> for the single-user use case of your application.
> Taylor Singletary
> Developer Advocate, Twitter
> http://twitter.com/episod
> Grantcv1 <grant.vergott...@gmail.com> Mar 23 09:41AM -0700 ^
> So let me see if I get this right. If I mock up some code to get an
> access token
> after I have done the manual login thingy, I should then be able to
> use that
> access token from my server indefinitely - without fear of it expiring
> or going
> away for one reason or another. Is my understanding correct? I had
> given this
> some thought last night, but if seemed that it would be fragile.
> On Mar 23, 9:31 am, Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com>
> wrote:
> Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com> Mar 23 09:44AM -0700 ^
> Grant,
> You are correct. An access token's lifespan is until it is explicitly
> revoked by a user -- in this case, you.
> Taylor Singletary
> Developer Advocate, Twitter
> http://twitter.com/episod
> Lil Peck <lilp...@gmail.com> Mar 23 03:31PM -0500 ^
> I have some really stupid questions, regarding xauth. (Sorry.)
> Looking at this article:
> http://www.reynoldsftw.com/2010/03/using-xauth-an-alternate-oauth-from-twitter/
> Can xauth be used as the "2 legged" model?
> The article says
> First off though, you need to send an email to a...@twitter.com and
> ask them to register your OAuth application to use xAuth. Once
> approved (you’ll get an email at time of writing) you make a call to
> the API method “https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token”
> After one has gotten that token, can one use it for all of one's web
> based apps regardless of URL of the app?
> Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com> Mar 23 01:45PM -0700 ^
> You would use two-legged OAuth in conjunction with xAuth. For the requests
> your app makes that don't require a user, you'd use two-legged OAuth.
> The process for acquiring an accessToken in xAuth is itself almost a
> two-legged OAuth operation (just like the request token step). The way you
> formulate a two-legged request is essentially identical.
> The point of xAuth is to give you a path to exchange login and password for
> an access token. The intent is that you'll dispose of the logins and
> passwords and store only the access token to make requests on the users
> behalf. If the access token is manually expired by the user, you would ask
> them for their login information again and exchange for an access token
> again.
> The ultimate goal here is for there to be no justifiable reason for
> developers to retain logins and passwords.
> The URL of an application is not related to your use of an access token.
> However, if you have two websites, one about dogs and the other about cats
> for example, and I grant access to my twitter account for the dog website --
> it would not be acceptable that the cat website also had access to my
> twitter account. Being above the board at all times about how far granted
> access goes is a best practice all should keep in mind. In this (admittedly
> silly) example, it would be the best practice to have two client
> applications/API keys registered with Twitter: one for the dogs site and one
> for the cats site.
> Taylor Singletary
> Developer Advocate, Twitter
> http://twitter.com/episod
>  Topic: Bulk User Relationship Lookup?
> "Orian Marx (@orian)" <or...@orianmarx.com> Mar 23 08:21AM -0700 ^
> Thanks Abraham, don't worry I'm watching Intersect closely ;)
> Unfortunately, this doesn't currently address what I'm getting at,
> namely, if I use the bulk user lookup, I'd like to similarly get
> accurate friend / follower info for each of those users (relative to
> the user making the bulk lookup) in one call.
> Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> Mar 23 11:56AM -0700 ^
> Bulk lookup of social graphs seems like it would be a pretty resource
> intensive call. I would not hold my breath for Twitter to implement it.
> Abraham
> --
> Abraham Williams | Community Advocate | http://abrah.am
> TwitterOAuth | http://github.com/abraham/twitteroauth
> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
>  Topic: reducing traffic back from twitter
> Harshad RJ <harshad...@gmail.com> Mar 24 12:13AM +0530 ^
> Assuming you have already tried HTTP compression, some more suggestions are:
> - Use a proxy server of your own that strips off the response from
> twitter to 'OK' / 'NOK'
> - Go all the way down to raw TCP / UDP in the proxy
> I have some experience here. If you need any help with it, feel free to
> contact me directly.
> --
> Harshad RJ
> http://hrj.wikidot.com
>  Topic: xAuth approvals?
> Cameron Kaiser <spec...@floodgap.com> Mar 23 11:00AM -0700 ^
> I'm still (somewhat ;-) patiently waiting for xAuth approval so I can work
> on an implementation in TTYtter. Any news on the timeline? Will these be
> done in time for Chirp so that we can pillory you guys with questions? ;-)
> --
> ------------------------------------ personal: http://www.cameronkaiser.com/
> --
> Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * www.floodgap.com * ckai...@floodgap.com
> -- When you don't know what you're doing, do it neatly.
> -----------------------
>  Topic: Follow #topics
> Mark McBride <mmcbr...@twitter.com> Mar 23 09:29AM -0700 ^
> The streaming API's filter endpoint may be what you're looking for
> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Streaming-API-Documentation#statuses/filter
> ---Mark
> http://twitter.com/mccv
> Jaanus <jaa...@gmail.com> Mar 23 09:51AM -0700 ^
> I built http://cremeapp.com to showcase what this ("following" a
> search term or any #hashtag) might be like in a mobile UI. Twitter.com
> and other apps support saved searches, but IMO they don't push it far
> enough.
>  Topic: getting authenticated user's rate-limit-using rest API.
> Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com> Mar 23 07:55AM -0700 ^
> Using multiple accounts to get around rate limiting is not really in the
> spirit of the Twitter API and I recommend you banish the idea from your
> mind.
> Taylor Singletary
> Developer Advocate, Twitter
> http://twitter.com/episod
> Rushikesh Bhanage <rishibhan...@gmail.com> Mar 23 10:07PM +0530 ^
> Hi there,
> Thank you for your valuable guidance sir, Now I just have last two
> questions:
> 1. How to get particular authorised user's hits, what is the url to
> to get remaining hits for that user..
> 2. Suppose I am having authorised a/c(which has 20000 hits), then
> how to call any method (any like userstatus or show/1/status) with my
> account.
> Thank you in advance.
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 8:25 PM, Taylor Singletary <
>  Topic: 403 on duplicate post - when?
> Mark McBride <mmcbr...@twitter.com> Mar 23 09:28AM -0700 ^
> Yes, that's a hole in the current logic. I'll work on getting the N-n case
> handled.
> ---Mark
> http://twitter.com/mccv
>  Topic: Is there a way to to make the streaming API track parameter be case
> sensitive?
> Mad Euchre <mad.ukrain...@gmail.com> Mar 23 09:19AM -0700 ^
> It appears it not. I have track=PASS and I get back "Passing lane",
> "Forward Pass", "Pass the food", etc.
> Thanks
> Mark McBride <mmcbr...@twitter.com> Mar 23 09:32AM -0700 ^
> There is currently no way to make this case sensitive. You can always
> post-process on your end.
> ---Mark
> http://twitter.com/mccv
>  Topic: Almost real time
> Alberty Pascal <alberty.pas...@gmail.com> Mar 23 09:29AM -0700 ^
> Thanks !
>  Topic: Question about xAuth.
> IoriAYANE <iori.ay...@gmail.com> Mar 23 09:10AM -0700 ^
> I have trouble for xAuth.
> I applied by sending an email to a...@twitter.com.
> And I received the email of the following contents.
> ---- received mail ------
> Thanks for your interest in XAuth. Your application now has the
> ability to use XAuth, and you can read the documentation here:
> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-oauth-access_token-for-xAuth
> .
> ---- received mail ------
> I'm testing xAuth on my application.
> However, I cannot certify it.
> My application received HTTP 401 error.
> I had the developer of my friend who test xAuth in the following
> applications.
> In that case, it was OK.
> However, I fail with my key.
> Test application Link
> http://relog.xii.jp/download/test/xAuthTest.LZH
> Please help me.
>  Topic: Best Practice - Parsing the Location Field
> bendell <b...@rawjam.co.uk> Mar 23 08:31AM -0700 ^
> Hi. Did you manage to solve your issue? I'm faced with the same thing.
> I need to find a reliable way to retrieve location information from a
> tweet (i.e. given that the vast majority of tweets do not include lon
> and lat values). What did you do in the end? Are you willing to share
> code?
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