Having the same problem...

Tried http://api.twitter.com/1/avinashkaushik/lists/memberships.xml
and get 0 for cursor. This guy is followed by ton of lists in fact....

Below is the snapshot of the end result I got... This is screwing up
our app right now...


On Apr 1, 6:00 pm, Diego Rin Martin <diego....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think it's a API bug, even in the twitter page the paginator doesn't work
> as expected, sometimes
> appears, sometines not, and when appears it makes in a random manner.
> i'm getting cursor 0 from API, using int or string representation, the bug
> is in the API that sends
> the cursor 0 randomly.
> regards, diego.
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 2:38 AM, jmathai <jmat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Are you sure you're using the string representation of the cursor
> > instead of the int?  The API's cursor exceeds PHP's max integer value
> > (generally).
> > jmathai ~ $ php -r '$x =
> > json_decode(11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111);
> > echo $x; echo "\n";
> > var_dump($x===11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111);
> > var_dump($x===1.11111111111E+52);'
> > 1.11111111111E+52
> > bool(false)
> > bool(true)
> > jmathai ~ $ php -r '$x =
> > 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111; echo $x; echo
> > "\n";
> > var_dump($x===11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111);
> > var_dump($x===1.11111111111E+52);'
> > 1.11111111111E+52
> > bool(true)
> > bool(false)
> > On Mar 31, 2:03 am, Diego Rin Martín <diego....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi there,
> > > this is my first post to this group, i'm a spanish developer dealing
> > > with twitter api surprises, excuse my poor english, i'will do my best
> > > to comunicate nicest.
> > > So, to the problem, I'm trying to retrieve the lists for a user, via
> > > list/memberships get method, and passing cursor as parameter, I'm
> > > having got random results, I explain myself, sometimes I made a
> > > request (for user edans, that have a huge amount of pages to paginate)
> > > and I get one page, I pass cursor -1 and I get cursor 0, sometimes I
> > > get one page, I pass cursor -1 i get cursor 1331431515904087602, then
> > > I pass it and I get 0, sometimes I get a random number of pages, but
> > > never, never, be able to retrieve the total amount of pages.
> > > I use php twitter-async classes to comunicate with API, I thought that
> > > it could be the cause of the problem, but using direct curl (via php5-
> > > curl extension) calls I'm having the same issues.
> > > Same using json or xml.
> > > I'm always getting 200 responses, so the call finish in a correct way.
> > > any clue?
> > > I'm turning mad.
> > > Thanks in advance.
> > > diego.
> > --
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