Hi all,

I have setup a special Chirp tweet tracking page on MadChat (an as of
yet unreleased site I've been working on) so folks who are not at the
conference (or even if you are) can easily read all of the Chirp
chatter.  It is intentionally minimally designed to look like a
chatroom and have no avatars, so you get the max text-per-screen
ratio. Bonus points if you use the "Terminal" Skin under Settings.

The url is http://madch.at/chirp

It is tracking the #chirp hashtag as well as all @chirp mentions.
There is little happening there right now, but I wanted to get the
word out. It's using the Streaming API, so it feels just like a

To reply to a tweet, just click on the username on the lefthand side
of the chatroom to link the reply to that tweet. Stuff you type will
be tweeted out once you hit Enter, so be mindful of that.

Anyway, hope this helps some people be able to monitor the backchannel
of tweets and is another cool example of what you can do with the
Streaming API.

chirpity chirp,

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