I think there are amazing opportunities in Twitter's new annotation

I thought I would share some brief thoughts that might be of interest.

The schema of LinkedData RDF, underpinnings of the emerging Semantic
Web, provide a sound basis of the sorts of format & protocol standards
necessary for the APIs you are proposing.

The vision of Semantic Web is occasionally dismissed as long on dream
and short on practice.  However, early implementations are gaining
significant traction and offering substantive value to early
adopters.  Thompson Reuters, no slouch in the business of information,
was quite visionary in acquiring the now @OpenCalais service.  The
mostly free service is currently identifying semantic entities in over
5 million documents submitted to it per day.  @zemanta is also finding
a significant user base among bloggers for its related services.

I am awestruck by the potential of developers applying Linked Data /
Semantic Web schema and using RDF in Twitter annotations. It would
massively scale search effectiveness and distribution opportunities
while allowing sophisticated on-the-fly analysis of Twitter's firehose
& other feeds.

The Twitter ecosystem is particularly suited to applying principles of
the Semantic Web in that machine interpolated meaning could be
continually refined the more humans tweet & retweet about the same and
related topics; coupled with author, location, hashes, platform, and
temporal information.

Twitter annotations may well be a turning point in the early practical
application of Tim Berners-Lee’s 1999 “dream for the Web [in which
computers] become capable of analyzing all the data on the Web – the
content, links, and transactions between people and computers.”

It is all about the metadata!

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