You might be experiencing some issues due to a bug that is slowly purging
itself from our systems.

Judging by the error, your JSON parser is stopping because it was trying to
coerce a user node that only had an id into some other construct, and it's
refusing to do so without a created_at field descending from the user node.
The bug we have going through the system is such that on a users/show call,
we are embedding a user node in the status object that is embedded in the
user node.

The bug has been fixed but its impact has not. We're working to clear this
up as quickly as we can.

Taylor Singletary
Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 3:30 AM, Alfredo Baraldi

> I used the component twitter4j-core-2.1.2 and it worked properly. I've
> implemented on the production site. Today, after a few days that
> worked correctly produces this error: JSONObject ["created_at"] not
> found.: ("Id": 116439936)
> I did some testing and I have observed that requests such as getId (),
> which is required Credentials and Rate Limited, produces an error as I
> stated above but when required as UpdateStatus () Rate Credentials
> required but not limited, functioning properly. Through the method I
> getRateLimitStatus () if I had problems with "rate limited" but that
> is like ip account as there are no problems. What can I do Thanks for
> your help.
> Alfredo

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