Use "since" and "until" parameters to specify the time period
for which you would like to see the results. For each day you can
retrieve a maximum of 1500 tweets per search term.

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Amit <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am developing an application where i want to get twitter updates
> (follow-ups, tweets etc.) based on keywords straightaway into my
> application. I am using twitter4j for that purpose. The problem is
> that the search results are quite outdated as compared to the ones
> gotten through twitter directly.
> Is it a restriction imposed by twitter?
> In case it is, if there is any other API to resolve the issue or some
> customization sort of paid service provide by twitter or whatever the
> solution can be. Please respond.
> Thanks
> Amit

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