
On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 14:12, SM <> wrote:

> It looks like a change was recently made to so that
> it no longer remembers logins. Every time I quit the browser and then
> revisit the site, I have to re-login.
> 1. Open browser (Chrome, Safari, etc)
> 2. Visit
> 3. Log in
> 4. Quit browser
> 5. Relaunch browser
> 6. Visit
> 7. Now you have to log in again (this wasn't the case before)
> It is not an issue with my browser's cookie settings. Every other site
> I visit remembers me when it is supposed to.
> The mobile site doesn't have a 'Remember me' checkbox at login because
> it should remember you by default (as it used to do).
> This is important because I have an iPad app that embeds Twitter's
> mobile site. It used to work fine, but now requires a log in every
> time you launch the app. This kills the user experience (especially on
> a mobile device where typing is a pain) and makes the mobile site far
> less useful.
> Please have remember logins, at least for an
> extended period of time.

Abraham Williams | Developer for hire |
@abraham | |
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