Hi Socca1157,

You don't need to acquire an access token for each action you want to
perform -- once you've received an access token, you'll want to store the
oauth_token and oauth_token_secret for later use.

If it's possible on WebOS to use HTTP headers instead of the POST body or
GET/query string for OAuth parameters, I would recommend it as it will keep
the execution path much clearer.

Are you URL encoding your status? You should be. It should first be URL
encoded in your POST body, then URL encoded again while building your
signature base string.

Taylor Singletary
Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 12:44 PM, socca1157 <socca1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So I am trying to post a status update within my webOS application, so
> I need to stick to Javascript.
> I can get the user authorized and I get a response with the following:
> oauth_token=819797-
> Jxq8aYUDRmykzVKrgoLhXSq67TEa5ruc4GJC2rWimw&oauth_token_secret=J6zix3FfA9LofH0awS24M3HcBYXO5nI1iYe8EfBA&user_id=819797&screen_name=episod
> Now, do I have to go about getting a token EVERY single time I want to
> do something or just the first time?
> Now I am trying to use the above info to post a status update but I
> keep getting a 401 error.
> Here is the postBody data I am sending:
> oauth_consumer_key=FIyxziPu6RJw0T9M0KYM2B&oauth_nonce=24DHD6&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-
> SHA1&oauth_signature=3e5Y6DfEwtbfW%2BblvhngR5jaBPs
> %3D&oauth_timestamp=1276197912&oauth_token=102299884-
> Ojfq7RIY8kA6X5918VL6XlYxp9wA32ATHLqCQohY&status=Testing out the API!
> Not really sure how to verify all this, anyone able to help me out?
> Note: I have changed all the keys and signature and token a small
> degree for security, if anyone is willing to help privately I can send
> you the accurate keys.
> Thanks

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