I am not very happy, only 3000?? I had around 10,000 so your telling
me i've lost 7000?
Twitter may not be able to do stuff about this but I am loosing my
life! I started my company, internet radio station and in a couple of
years I want to be able to go through (using services) to see the
tweets from when it was starting out and things like the day huge
events happen, my tweets are my life and I am disappointed.

If I am incorrect with the statements i've just said please go ahead
and reply.

Twitters a great service but I feel let down.
Andrew Brackin

On Jun 18, 9:36 pm, Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com>
> Hi Folks,
> Many of you have noticed incorrect counts of how many tweets a given user
> has. In addition, you've noticed that statuses/user_timeline is only
> allowing around ~800 statuses to be returned in total. These issues should
> be resolved by the end of next week -- we'll be rebuilding the cached
> representations of these timelines and users which will repair the issue.
> This process takes some time and will be gradual and incremental.
> After consulting internally to get some clarity on the counts you should be
> expecting when using pagination, I wanted to share that while there's a
> maximum of about 3,200 statuses that you can retrieve for a given
> user_timeline (when under normal operating conditions), you'll find that
> statuses/home_timeline and statuses/friends_timeline do indeed have a
> maximum result set of around 800 tweets and have for some time. We'll be
> making sure the documentation is correct in this area where it's incorrect
> currently.
> Of course, all of these theoretical maximums have some variance as caches
> are re-aligned in the system. Sometimes you might find a little more
> available than these maximums. Sometimes a little less. Important to note
> that the total tweet count includes retweets, but some methods don't return
> retweets unless you explicitly request them with include_rts=true.
> Happy tweeting,
> Taylor

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