Could you give more information on how you would lower a specific
user's limits?

For example my client does the following, this is of course simplified

api_requests_left = 0;

loop {
  if(api_requests_left == 0) { update_request_limits();  } // hit your
server and ask my remaining limit, sleep and wait if needed
  -- api_requests_left;

I see two cases I need to figure out:
4pm.  Twitter tells me I have 100 requests left.  Request limit renews
at 5pm.
- Will you ever lower my request limit between 4 and 5pm, or can I
assume what I was told was good for a full hour?
- If I use none of my requests between 4pm and 5pm, is there a chance
my new request limit will be lowered, or will you still honor my 100
remaining requests even if at 5pm you lower your limit to 50/hour?


On Jun 23, 3:20 pm, Raffi Krikorian <> wrote:
> hi everyone,
> as you all know, Twitter has been faced with considerable capacity problems
> in recent weeks. we have many efforts under way to expand capacity and more
> efficiently use the capacity we have. starting today, we're going to begin
> adjusting rate limits dynamically under load in order to maintain an awesome
> experience for as many users as possible.
> today, we're experimenting with moving rate limits for all clients to
> varying amounts during periods of high load. you might see rate limits
> change from the default of 350 calls / hour.  you may even see different
> values as we monitor the effect these changes have on overall Twitter
> performance.
> this means that it's more important than ever for client applications to
> monitor their rate limits through the HTTP headers and
> account/rate_limit_status and adjust your client's behavior accordingly.
>  we're happy to help you achieve that, and please reach out to us if you
> need that help (either through this mailing list, or through @twitterapi).
> we understand that this might cause some issues in some clients, and will
> certainly impact the amount of requests your users can make to Twitter.
> however, the entire ecosystem will be more performant and you will see fewer
> whales on write operations (like posting tweets).
> thank you everyone for your continued patience.
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Team

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