Hi Manton,

I see the entities coming through when I request my mentions timeline..


Can you verify again that you're not seeing it for the mentions timeline
when you include this parameter?

Favorites doesn't yet return entities. It's our intention to return entities
wherever a tweet is returned; I'll make sure this gets some attention.


On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:00 AM, Manton Reece <man...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I just switched over to include_entities, and I'm also not seeing the
> entities come back for favorites or mentions. Works great for
> home_timeline and retweets.
> I can fall back on my own parsing when entities are missing, but for
> consistently I definitely prefer letting Twitter do this work. Is it a
> known issue that it's missing for favorites and mentions, and if so
> any idea when it can be rolled out across the board?
> Thanks!
> On Jun 13, 6:17 am, Georgios <kapero...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I have a website that focuses on Twitter favorites (http://favorious.com
> > ) and I have tried to implement the new Link Wrapping guidelines using
> > entities. However ?include_entities=true is not working (I tried
> > getting a @raffi tweet that I have favorited). The documentation
> > (http://dev.twitter.com/doc/get/favorites) also doesn't mention
> > anything about entities for this.
> >
> > Does Twitter plan to roll out link wrapping info for Favorites? If
> > not, then I cannot implement the new Link Wrapping according to
> > Twitter's TOS.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Georgioshttp://favorious.com- Only the best of Twitter, based on
> favorites.

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