
I am having an issue with fetching and caching retweets of a user and
was wondering if anyone has any advice of how to handle this properly.

I am currently calling statuses/retweets_of_me with since_id as the id
of the last cached retweet I have.
My problem is that statuses/retweets_of_me returns results in the
order that the original tweets were published, not in the order that
the retweets were published.
For example, tweet A was published yesterday and tweet B was published
today. If i retweet B, retweets_of_me would return an array with B as
the first element. If i then retweet A, and call statuses/
retweets_of_me with a since_id of B's id, I get nothing back.
If I call statuses/retweets_of_me without setting a since id it would
return an array with B still as the first element, even though A has
had the most recent activity.

So, any tips on how to get the latest retweets, perhaps without having
to call statuses/retweets_of_me without a since_id and without having
to call statuses/retweets on each returned tweet.


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