You are right. Separate subpopulation s are out of our reach.

Apart from following/friendship connection we look at mentions and follow
them as well.
If a new comer or a man from other population mentions one of the people in
our network, his tweet will reach us and we can test him and add as well.

Thank you, I will look at the paper.

2010/7/4 Pascal Jürgens <>

> Interesting. Your method is similar to the breadth-first crawl that many
> people do (for example, see the academic paper by Kwak et al. 2010).
> You have to keep in mind, however, that you are only crawling the giant
> component of the network, the connected part. If there are any turkish users
> who have their *separate* subpopulation, which is not connected to the rest,
> you won't find those.
> You could easily find those with a sample stream. Although I have to admit
> that the number of non-connected users is not so big, no one has really
> tested that so far.
> Pascal
> On Jul 3, 2010, at 20:00 , Furkan Kuru wrote:
> We have implemented the Turkish version: Twitturk
> We skipped the first three steps but started with a few Turkish users and
> crawled all the network and for each new user we tested if the description
> or latest tweets are in Turkish language.
> We have almost 100.000 Turkish users identified so far.
> Using stream api we collect their tweets and we find out the popular people
> and key-words, top tweets (most retweeted ones) among Turkish people.

Furkan Kuru

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