You can request greater levels of Streaming access by sending a message to from the email address associated with your Twitter account.
It's best to describe in detail how you'll use the data (sampling, keyword
tracking, geo, and the number of variables and rates you're looking to
employ), as well as the benefits it brings to users and background
information about your organization and products.


On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 7:07 AM, Sanjay <> wrote:

> Just saw the posting about the reduction in the gardenhose (and
> sprtizer) feeds ( ).  So for those of us who need
> the additional data and are designed around it (and can consume it),
> is there a way to get that level of feed back?  For me in particular
> this is going to significantly hamper the app that I'm working on and
> was looking to launch in a few weeks.
> Help...?
> Sanjay

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