
it's down. has been for hours.
users of my app can't log in / authenticate their twitter accounts.

If they're already logged in, they're fine. ie: other API calls work.

On Jul 19, 4:02 pm, cyclemenow <cycleme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm unable to use my own app!
> The status page implies that everything is up right now (http://
> dev.twitter.com/status).
> I haven't been able to use OAuth almost the entire day.
> Does this issue affect everybody?  Are there any workarounds?
> -Matthew
> On Jul 19, 3:10 pm, CJ <ctj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Ap,
> > I thought I've broken my software. I had exactly the same error
> > message after my software performed a HTTP GET for "/oauth/
> > access_token?oauth_token=.....&oauth_verifier=PIN".
> > Hope this issue can be resolved asap.
> > CJ
> > On Jul 19, 10:04 pm, Tim Davies <timgrantdav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I've also been having this issue solidly for the last 5 hrs.

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