in twitteroauth.php you will find 4 lines

function accessTokenURL()  { return '
access_token'; }
function authenticateURL() { return '
authenticate'; }
function authorizeURL()    { return '
authorize'; }
function requestTokenURL() { return '
request_token'; }

the 2 in the middle need to be changed to:

function authenticateURL() { return '
authenticate'; }
function authorizeURL()    { return '
authorize'; }

hope this helps.

On Jul 20, 11:02 am, Gabe <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been using Abraham's OAuth library and I *almost* have it
> working. I'm a longtime C++ developer but new to Twitter API.  Anyway,
> it took me a while to use the callback.php file as the actual call
> back. That (I thought) was the missing element, I was under the
> impression that the "test.php" file in his library could be
> substituted for the callback.  Anyway when I realized the mistake I
> was happy to implement the new code.  The new callback is being called
> but I am consistently getting HTTP Error Code 401 (unauthorized) when
> it is being used, and I am using it basically "as is". Any insight
> would be appreciated.
> Note - I did regenerate my application registration recently - how
> long does it take for those credentials to be usable?
> Thanks much.
> -Gabe

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