You should reformat your request from:



$connection->get("statuses/user_timeline", array("screen_name" => $username,
"count" => $number));

TwitterOAuth automatically adds the type.

Abraham Williams | Hacker Advocate |
@abraham | |
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On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 13:49, lucaswxp <> wrote:

> Hello o/
> Into now, I have caught my latest tweets that way:
> file_get_contents("
> {$username}.json?count={$number}");
> Actually, I used cURL, but I put that way to simplify the code.
> Well, with this new OAuth thing, I'm lost.
> I'm triyng to use the TwitterOAuth Lib (
> twitteroauth), but, I'll have to sign in every time to autenthicate
> myself? I don't understand very well...
> See, I know that I need:
> $connection = new TwitterOAuth(MY_CONSUMER_KEY, MY_CONSUMER_SECRET,
> $_SESSION['oauth_token'],
> $_SESSION['oauth_token_secret']);
> $connection->get("user_timeline/{$username}.json?count={$number}");
> But... I don't know where I get the "oauth_token" and
> "oauth_token_secret" (it's necessary for what I want?).
> I'll need all this just to get my latest tweets?
> Help, pls!
> (srry for the bad english)

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