On 8/12/10 3:10 AM, ERenken wrote:
> I thought about doing the proxy, but I liked having the device do it
> itself and alot less code just having the device do it.  I will just
> hard code it.  I would assume we can invalidate a token if for some
> reason it is comprimised.  Like managing applications in FaceBook.
> Eric
> On Aug 11, 9:36 am, Tom van der Woerdt <i...@tvdw.eu> wrote:
>> On 8/11/10 6:30 PM, ERenken wrote:
>>> So how can I use OAuth on a hardware device we are creating that
>>> doesn't have a UI?  Can I share the key between all the devices?  This
>>> is only twittering to 1 account that we have created.  Seems like
>>> OAuth is going to make stuff like this harder for people to develope.
>>> Seems like it would have just bee easier for security if you would
>>> have added HTTPS and left basic auth.  At least for embedded devices
>>> so they could send tweets.
>> If there's no chance of the key leaking to people outside of your
>> company (or whoever uses your application) then I don't see why not.
>> It's always better than sharing username/password like with Basic Auth,
>> and if they all use the same account, it's no problem at all.
>> Of course, a better solution would be to create a simple proxy, but that
>> may take some more programming and money if you don't have a server for it.
>> Tom

Yes, you can. At http://dev.twitter.com/apps you can simply click Reset.


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