
Retweets should be included if they exist in the users timeline when you
request them. For example if you request 20 Tweets of the timeline and one
of those last 20 was a retweet - it will be included. If one of the last 20
Tweets wasn't a retweet it won't be included, even if include_rts is true.

Does this explain what is happening in your app?
If not could you give an example of a username which shows this problem.


On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 1:24 PM, henasraf <doku...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all, I'm using user_timeline to fetch the timeline of a user in my
> app. Problem is, it doesn't include native Retweets, even though I've
> set include_rts to true. The docs clearly say it should work, but it
> doesn't. What could be the problem? Thanks in advance :)


Matt Harris
Developer Advocate, Twitter

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