Hi Folks,

I am totally new to Twitter - both as an end user and as an API
developer. Therefore, I have bunch of simple questions and would be
grateful if some of you explained some of these simpler things both to
me and others in the same boat. ;)

(1) Is Twitter API push or pull technology. The fact that it's REST
would suggest pull, in that in order to get info from it, my client
application needs to make a request.  However, what is confusing me in
all of this is having seen many places where the tweets are seamlessly
"flowing in".  So, how is this done?  Are they submitting a request,
getting X number of tweets and them popping them up after Y seconds in
between each tweet and then going back and making another REST

(2) I was on a page that explained all of the different frequency of
requests limits and it just sounded way too complicated. I am building
a form of a social bookmarking application for a very specific use
case. Can I broadcast from my single Twitter application/user-id a
"Title" and a URL to 100's of 1,000's of daily users - without
requiring them to have a Twitter account.  I would not mind
advertising the fact that all of this is going through Twitter, it's
just that they are older, ethnic and not so computer savvy end users.

(3) If I knew to, what else should have I asked ;?)


Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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