1. As a result of the "Who to follow" field, I'm now gaining followers fairly rapidly. So rapidly, in fact, that I can't follow all or even most of them back without hitting some limit. I'm not sure how you'd adjust that, but there's a subtle bug in the way it's being handled. Suppose user J follows me. I go into the "Followers" list, see that J has followed me. I go look at J's profile. OK - J's cool, I want to follow him. So I press the big "Follow" button with the green plus sign. Twitter sez "Could not follow user: You are unable to follow more people at this time. Learn more here." But guess what? The button changes to "Blocked!" I have to click the "Undo" link.

It looks like there are three states, and the system is cycling through them:

   a. Not following
   b. Following
   c. Blocked

It can't change from "Not following" to "following" because of the limit, so it cycles to the next state, which is "Blocked".

2. There's some kind of Javascript / CSS issue with the left panel in Chrome / Chromium 7. Everything is cool in Firefox 3.6, and I haven't tried older versions of Chrome. I'm not quite sure how to reproduce this reliably yet, but sometimes, when I'm following a trail into the right panel, when I have the mouse in the right panel, the left panel goes completely black. If I move the mouse back into the left panel, it comes back, but slowly - like it's running some kind of intensive Javascript to repaint or making a bunch of API calls to refill a buffer. I'm a total Javascript / CSS / DOM ignoramus, so if someone has some clues as to how I can diagnose this in the Chrome / Chromium debugger, let me know.

3. A related phenomenon - I went to @scobleizer and opened up a tweet. When I moused back into the *left* panel, the left one went blank, exposing the background! But when I mouse back into the right panel, the left one came back rapidly. Again, this is on Chrome / Chromium.

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
http://borasky-research.net http://twitter.com/znmeb

"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." - Paul Erdos

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