
The library in question is mine and not unreasonably Ruben has
submitted a pull-request with his fix over on github.  Unfortunately
this fix seems to break existing (working) OAuth consumer
relationships :(

I'm actually at a bit of a loss how to progress it, I've read:
http://dev.twitter.com/pages/auth (Signing Requests) a few times.
I've cross-referenced against http://oauth.net/core/1.0a/ Sec. 9.1.1
and even double checked against http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849#section-3.4.1

The last two resources appear to agree with each other, that the '='
and the '&' that join the parameter name-value pairs should appear in
the 'plain' but then get encoded as a whole [which would re-encode any
existing '%', hence a crucial difference in the twitter listed

The important bit seems to be in the OAuth 1.0 RFC Section
String Construction, point 5:

   5.  The request parameters as normalized in Section,
       being encoded (Section 3.6).

Crucially this suggests to me that that the encoding is applied to the
entire normalized string, which the documentation at 
seems to suggest isn't happening on the Twitter side :(

It is (more than likely) entirely possible that I'm doing something
incredibly stupid and obvious but is there anyone on the twitter side
that can confirm that this deviation from the 'spec' is deliberate (or
even better for consistency, a minor issue?)

Many Thanks (and sorry if I'm wasting your time!)
 - Cj.

On Oct 6, 6:31 pm, Ruben Fonseca <fons...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi John!
> On Oct 6, 5:54 pm, John Kalucki <j...@twitter.com> wrote:
> > It might be an OAuth encoding error with the ','. Which OAuth library
> > are you using?
> That was exactly the problem! I was using node-oauth (from 
> herehttp://github.com/ciaranj/node-oauth/) and realized the signature was
> being generated wrong.
> Patched the library and it now works great!! Thank you!!!

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