
I'm writing an iPad app that has a "Share via Twitter" feature. I'm trying to 
understand how to count characters, including URLs before I post to the API. I 
thought these might be FAQs, but "" does not show up in the FAQ and has 
only two hits via Google's search of this list, so I apologize if these are in 
fact FAQs.

So I tried to post a new status message that was longer than 140 characters, 
but I counted the URL as only 19 characters, per [this message][] from Raffi. 
Unfortunately, the API rejected the message as too long. So my questions are:

* Should I be counting URLs as only 19 characters?

* If so, will the Twitter API be adjusted to count URLs as only 19 characters, 
and not reject messages that are longer because the URLs are longer?

* And if that's the plan, when is it likely to happen?

* And should I also count URLs that are less than 19 characters as 19 
characters, on the assumption that they will *always* be wrapped?

Ah, I just did a search for "link wrap" and say [this thread][] from September. 
Doesn't look like there was an official answer from Twitter -- did I miss it? 
If not, does anyone have any idea when there might be more information on this 
stuff and how it will affect the API?



[this message]:
[this thread]:

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