The browsers currently supported by the Tweet Button are listed on the Tweet
Button FAQ page:

At the moment, mobile browsers are not included but they should still avoid
confusing behavior.

I've asked the engineers to look into the response codes and if necessary
make changes.

Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 4:23 AM, thobau <> wrote:

> I am evaluating the Tweet Button share URL (
> url=...) for usage on mobile phones. When opening the URL on a Nokia
> N95 with passing some value for the url parameter, I am replied with a
> Basic authentication login (NOT the twitter web login). I checked what
> might be the reason by tracing the HTTP requests and responses passed
> between a (desktop) browser and the twitter service when opening the
> same URL and noticed the following:
> When passing no url parameter (or one with empty value), the service
> returns HTTP status code 403, but returns HTML content nevertheless.
> When passing non-empty url parameter value, the service returns HTTP
> status code 401, but returns HTML content nevertheless (and does not
> return the mandatory WWW-authenticate challenge header). While the 403
> is ignored and the content (i.e. "invalid URL" message) is displayed
> correctly on both desktop and mobile browsers, the mobile browser on
> the Nokia N95 reacts to the 401 by replying with a Basic
> authentication login. Of course, there is no way to pass this
> challenge successfully. So question is: Why are these HTTP status
> codes returned at all but not a 200 OK instead?
> --
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