Hello Twitter Developers,

I am introducing myself to this group for a number of reasons, the
primary one is that I don't want to be a hypocrite, we are going to
have to get more involved, reach out to others for solutions and
ideas, and look to this group for knowledge and wisdom. Any direction,
advice, pointers, etc. are humbly accepted.

RateCred.com has watched this group from afar, but to be honest we
haven't engaged because most of the questions/ideas we see in this
list haven't applied to our use cases technically. That is changing
starting today because we recognize that just as many of you we share
one kindred realty, that many of us has tied our futures to twitter.

Just so you understand the background RateCred.com is a very intense
twitter mashup, our site and mobile applications let you rate any
place you go (Twitter GEO), share your experiences with your twitter
friends (Twitter Social Graph, Twitter Updates) and we require that
our users are twitter users (Twitter OAuth). We love twitter, we love
what twitter represents, how it works, and the company. Almost
everything about twitter we love.

Lately we have been experiencing some challenges with the twitter API
specifically GEO, not in how it works or what you need to do to get it
to do this or that, but in its availability and in the way the team
communicates when and how the service (as well as other API services)
will be available. This may be our misunderstanding so we are trying
to reach out to this group for insight and direction. We know how hard
this stuff is so we want to give the benefit of the doubt. Regardless
we think there is value in coordinating our interests.

We are also looking to this group to start forming an interest group
of companies that have actually tied their business model to twitter,
to form a group that can both collectively communicate with the
various production support and API development teams about our
perspective, recommendations and goals. If this group already exists
please forgive my ignorance, and take our request to join immediately.


Clay Graham

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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