Thanks very much!

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 7:31 PM, <> wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
>    - Tweet Button in Arabic Language <#12f2d288e789193c_group_thread_0> [2
>    Updates]
>    - Getting too many login attempts error though my app uses per user
>    auth apis <#12f2d288e789193c_group_thread_1> [9 Updates]
>    - Canonical URL's and Retweet counts <#12f2d288e789193c_group_thread_2>[1 
> Update]
>    - xAuth... <#12f2d288e789193c_group_thread_3> [3 Updates]
>    - ahhh!! Twitter Connect keeps killing my session 
> data?!?!<#12f2d288e789193c_group_thread_4>[1 Update]
>    - wait time for Site Streams whitelist 
> ?<#12f2d288e789193c_group_thread_5>[2 Updates]
>    - PHP/Curl script date help <#12f2d288e789193c_group_thread_6> [2
>    Updates]
>    - Trends URL responding with 
> 403-Forbidden<#12f2d288e789193c_group_thread_7>[2 Updates]
>    - Inline Media <#12f2d288e789193c_group_thread_8> [1 Update]
>   Topic: Tweet Button in Arabic 
> Language<>
>    Rami Zahran <> Apr 06 02:09PM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    Dears,
>    I would like to ask you a way to use the Tweet button in Arabic
>    Language as "تويت". I need this very urgent.
>    Could you please help me on this.
>    Regards,
>    Rami Zahran
>    Arnaud Meunier <> Apr 06 02:27PM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    Hey Rami,
>    The tweet button doesn't support Arabic language (cf.
> Now you can
>    still
>    build your own tweet button in order to replace "Tweet" by its
>    translation
>    in Arabic (cf.
>    ),
>    but the "Share a link on Twitter" pop-up will stay in English (or any
>    other
>    supported language you'd choose).
>    Arnaud / @rno <>
>    2011/4/6 Rami Zahran <>
>   Topic: Getting too many login attempts error though my app uses per user
> auth 
> apis<>
>    nischalshetty <> Apr 06 08:24AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    420:Returned by the Search and Trends API when you are being rate
>    limited (
>    Returned by the Streaming API:
>    Too many login attempts in a short period of time.
>    Running too many copies of the same application authenticating with
>    the same account name.
>    I'm getting the above error. It's in large numbers. Can someone help?
>    nischalshetty <> Apr 06 08:31AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    I am getting this for the Unfollow method. This shouldn't happen for
>    the unfollow API. Can someone at twitter look into it?
>    -N
>    Taylor Singletary <> Apr 06 08:41AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    Unfollowing is not "rate limited" by the API, but we have organic
>    limits on
>    most write actions service-wide to prevent certain kinds of bursty
>    behavior.
>    Best to back off from retrying requests when you get an error like this
>    for
>    an exponentially increasing amount of time -- first 30 seconds, then a
>    minute, then a few minutes, then 10 minutes, etc.
>    @episod <> - Taylor Singletary
>    nischalshetty <> Apr 06 08:47AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    Hi,
>    It's my app It's been running from more than a
>    year now. I did not see any sudden increase in traffic or any of that
>    sort. It's hosted on the Google Appengine and there were 2 cases in
>    the entire year when appengine ips were blocked by twitter.
>    I have more than 200,000 users. Your advice would be greatly
>    appreciated. I do not make use of any search or trends api.
>    -N
>    On Apr 6, 8:41 pm, Taylor Singletary <>
>    wrote:
>    Taylor Singletary <> Apr 06 09:00AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    By running on Google App Engine, or any host where you share IP
>    addresses
>    with another service, you're going to be at a disadvantage when it
>    comes to
>    abuse detection -- my advice would be to ensure you have a queue system
>    in
>    place for API actions you take (really any application servicing
>    anywhere
>    near as many users as you do should have this in place), especially
>    actions
>    applied in bulk -- you will have times that you need to queue up your
>    actions until you can resume making requests -- the best way to detect
>    if
>    you can resume making requests is by intermittently trying a single
>    item at
>    the top of the queue once every few seconds, increasing the duration
>    you
>    wait with every failed request.
>    You never want to continue bursting when faced with an error like this,
>    it
>    would only make your application appear more abusive to the
>    metrics-oriented
>    unfeeling eye of an abuse detection algorithm.
>    @episod <> - Taylor Singletary
>    nischalshetty <> Apr 06 09:02AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    I just checked my log. The first error was encountered around 6.5
>    hours ago. Since then it's been occurring in loads continuously :
>    ( This is the first time in the entire year that I'm seeing something
>    like this and no new code has been pushed to production.
>    I request you to check if my app is being rate limited or if appengine
>    ips are being rate limited. My app tries to stay within the limits for
>    each user and has never been rate limited.
>    -N
>    nischalshetty <> Apr 06 09:07AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    Though I have so many users, each user has an internal limit of 100
>    unfollows per day which is well within any sort of limits. That is one
>    of the reasons why I never implemented any queuing mechanism, such
>    short number of unfollows can be done instantly.
>    Besides, there were no sudden spikes in traffic so this sudden rate
>    limiting baffles me. And automated unfollows are not allowed so I
>    thought queuing wouldn't be a good idea. I'll try to implement
>    something like that but what's the short term solution? Can you do
>    something on your end to remove the rate limit if any that might have
>    been put on my app?
>    I have always adhered to twitter limits and rules never going out of
>    my way. Please help me with this.
>    -Nischal
>    On Apr 6, 9:00 pm, Taylor Singletary <>
>    wrote:
>    nischalshetty <> Apr 06 12:07PM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    I cooled down my servers for more than 2 hours now. There were no
>    activities happening through my app. I turned it back on just a few
>    minutes back.
>    The same problem, getting 420 error codes :( Cooling it off again, can
>    you do something to get me out of this trouble?
>    -N
>    Taylor Singletary <> Apr 06 12:44PM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    There may be others on the IP address you are using abusing the system
>    and
>    making you suffer as a result.
>    Do you get a HTTP status code 420 just for unfollow requests or is it
>    for
>    all requests? Have you attempted to perform the operation in isolation
>    from
>    your servers (not tied to your application business logic, perhaps
>    using
>    command line tools or Curl, Twurl, etc.)?
>    Can you do the following:
>    1) Issue one of the API calls you're trying to make, taking note of the
>    exact API URL you're executing (tell me which it is)
>    (may as well at this time verify that you're using the proper URL
>    structures, including as the domain "/1/" prepending
>    all
>    resource URLs to indicate the API version)
>    2) When/if you get the the error response, capture the exact HTTP
>    status
>    code and the raw/exact HTTP body you get in response? (Not as
>    interpreted by
>    any library you're using).
>    @episod <> - Taylor Singletary
>   Topic: Canonical URL's and Retweet 
> counts<>
>    "Wildebees (Wessel)" <> Apr 06 09:28AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    Hi I'm a newbie here, and I was pointed in this direction by Matt
>    Harris.!/themattharris/status/55436408223047680
>    I hope somebody can help.
>    We switched our site from to
>    for SEO purposes. Problem is, we lost our Retweets counts on posts
>    like this, It's
>    already 25, but it used to be over 600.
>    Is it possible to, like with 301 redirects, tell Twitter that an URL
>    has moved?
>    Wessel
>   Topic: 
> xAuth...<>
>    henning0700 <> Apr 06 02:48AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    Hi all,
>    What are your experiences in requesting xAuth access?
>    The first time I requested access was nearly three weeks ago. I then
>    sent another request last week and still no response. Yep...nothing,
>    nada, zip, zero, zilch...
>    Thanks.
>    Henning
>    Taylor Singletary <> Apr 06 07:21AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    We're usually much faster than this at answering xAuth requests.. a few
>    tips
>    on making sure that your message gets received and is actionable:
>    * Send the email to from the same email address
>    associated
>    with the account that "owns" the application
>    * Clearly state the purpose of the request in the subject line
>    * Include your consumer key and/or application ID in the message
>    * Clearly describe what your application does, how Twitter is used in
>    the
>    application, and information about your users.
>    * Include the platforms that your application will be used on.
>    * Include a link to your privacy policy and company (if you have one)
>    * Include links to screenshots of your application (don't attach them
>    to the
>    message)
>    @episod <> - Taylor Singletary
>    Taylor Singletary <> Apr 06 09:18AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    Oh, one more tip for requesting xAuth access:
>    * Check your Junk folder regularly for responses -- many developers in
>    the
>    past have found their responses from our ticketing system in their Spam
>    folder.
>    @episod <> - Taylor Singletary
>    On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 7:21 AM, Taylor Singletary <
>   Topic: ahhh!! Twitter Connect keeps killing my session 
> data?!?!<>
>    Nicholas Chase <> Apr 06 10:38AM -0400 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    Pardon me if this is a silly answer, but are you sure that the original
>    request and the callback are using the same host? I spent a couple of
>    hours trying to track this down before realizing that I was initiating
>    from localhost, but the callback was going to
>    They're both pointing to my local machine, but the difference in host
>    names makes a difference.
>    HTH
>    ---- Nick
>    On 4/4/2011 3:44 PM, Digga wrote:
>   Topic: wait time for Site Streams whitelist 
> ?<>
>    Mark Krieger <> Apr 06 07:01AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    Taylor,
>    Can you give us some time estimate? I have a development team stuck
>    now, nothing more we can do to test with User Streams. I put in weeks
>    ago too for this whitelisting.
>    Mark
>    Taylor Singletary <> Apr 06 07:15AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    Hi all,
>    Site Streams is still in beta and the wait times are variable based on
>    the
>    needs & constraints of the beta program. As with any beta, we're
>    learning
>    what more is necessary to productionize the API at scale to the kinds
>    of
>    applications that are requesting access -- by requesting access, you're
>    not
>    only making that request, you're giving us information about the types
>    of
>    scenarios, user profiles, and growth rates that you project -- all data
>    that
>    we need to properly scale the system so that we can release it with
>    confidence.
>    Thanks,
>    Taylor
>   Topic: PHP/Curl script date 
> help<>
>    Dean <> Apr 06 03:52AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    I have a script to put my Twitter feed on my site but can't work out
>    how to get it to show the date/how long ago it was posted.
>    Can anyone tell me what I need to add?
>    <?php
>    // create curl resource
>    $ch = curl_init();
>    // set url
>    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "
>    statuses/user_timeline.xml?screen_name=USERNAMEHERE&count=1");
>    //return the transfer as a string
>    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
>    // $output contains the output string
>    $output = curl_exec($ch);
>    $tweetData = simplexml_load_string($output);
>    // close curl resource to free up system resources
>    curl_close($ch);
>    ?>
>    <?php
>    if(count($tweetData)){
>    echo "<p>";
>    foreach($tweetData as $tweet){
>    echo "$tweet->text";
>    }
>    echo "</p><p>A</p><a href='
>    USERNAMEHERE' target='_blank'>Follow us</a>";
>    echo "</p>";
>    }
>    ?>
>    Scott Wilcox <> Apr 06 03:14PM +0100 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    > foreach($tweetData as $tweet){
>    > echo "$tweet->text";
>    > }
>    echo $tweet->created_at;
>    On 6 Apr 2011, at 11:52, Dean wrote:
>    --
>    Scott Wilcox
>    @dordotky | |
>    +44 (0) 7538 842418 | +1 (646) 827-0580
>   Topic: Trends URL responding with 
> 403-Forbidden<>
>    nattu <> Apr 06 05:32AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    Hi,
>    I am following the posts on Twitter API announcements and found these
>    posts in the last couple of weeks.
>    The trends URL does not seem to work and
>    returns 403-Forbidden error. However the older URL
>    trends works fine.
>    For e.g.,
>    The former does not work, but the latter works just fine. So if I
>    switch to the latter as mentioned in the posts, my App features won't
>    work because of this. Any idea why it is so?
>    Any help would be much appreciated.
>    Thanks in advance,
>    Nataraj
>    Taylor Singletary <> Apr 06 07:05AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    Hi Nattu,
>    Trends are down at the moment for maintenance -- see
> and for updates
>    --
>    we should have Trends turned back on today.
>    @episod <> - Taylor Singletary
>   Topic: Inline 
> Media<>
>    Taylor Singletary <> Apr 06 07:01AM -0700 
> ^<#12f2d288e789193c_digest_top>
>    We don't offer any hooks via the API right now, but Tweet Entities (
> ) will do much to aid you
>    in the
>    basics of identifying domains and (when possible) file extensions.
>    I recommend taking a look at -- a third party service
>    that
>    makes it rather trivial to embed content from many popular & niche
>    sites
>    across the web.
>    @episod <> - Taylor Singletary
>  --
> Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> API updates via Twitter:
> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> Change your membership to this group:

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