Hey everyone,

We recently updated our OAuth screens to give users greater transparency
about the level of access applications have to their accounts. The valuable
feedback Twitter users and developers have given us played a large part in
that redesign and helped us identify where we can do more.

In particular, users and developers have requested greater granularity for
permission levels.

In response to this feedback, we have created a new permission level for
applications called “Read, Write & Direct Messages”. This permission will
allow an application to read or delete a user's direct messages. When we
enforce this permission, applications without a “Read, Write & Direct
Messages” token will be unable to read or delete direct messages. To ensure
users know that an application is receiving access to their direct messages,
we are also restricting this permission to the OAuth /authorize web flow
only. This means applications which use xAuth and want to access direct
messages must send a user through the full OAuth flow.

What does this mean for your application?
If you do not need access to direct messages: you won’t need to make any
changes to your application. When we enforce the new permission level your
read or read/write token will automatically lose access to direct messages.

If you do need access to direct messages: you will need to edit your
application record on https://dev.twitter.com/apps and change the permission
level of your application to “Read, Write and Direct Messages”. The new
permission will not affect existing tokens which means existing users or
your app or service will need to reauthorize.

We know this will take some time so we are allowing a transition period
until the end of this month. During this time there will be no change to the
access Read/Write tokens have to a users account. However, at the end of the
month any tokens which have not been upgrade to “Read, Write and Direct
Messages” will be unable to access and delete direct messages.

Affected APIs and requests
On the REST API, Read and Read/Write applications will no longer be able to
use these API methods:

For the Streaming API, both User Streams and Site Streams will only receive
direct messages if the user has authorised an application to access direct

Applications that use “Sign-in with Twitter” or xAuth will only be able to
receive Read or Read/Write tokens.

What this means is only applications which direct a user through the OAuth
web flow will be able to receive access tokens that allow access to direct
messages. Any other method of authorization, including xAuth, will only be
able to receive Read/Write tokens.

What will happen when the permission is activated
When we activate the new permission, all Read and Read/Write user_tokens
issued to third-party applications will lose their ability to read direct
messages. Any attempt to read direct messages will result in an HTTP 403
error being returned.

For example, a GET request to
https://api.twitter.com/1/direct_messages/sent.json will return an HTTP 403
Forbidden with the response body:

{"errors":[{"code":93,"message":"This application is not allowed to access
or delete your direct messages"}]}

Key Points
* If you wish to access a user’s direct messages you will need to update
your application and reauthorize existing tokens.
* The only way to get direct message access is to request access through the
OAuth /authorize web flow. You will not be permitted to access direct
messages if you use xAuth.
* When we enforce the permission Read/Write and Read tokens will be unable
to access and delete direct messages.
* Read/Write tokens will be able to send direct messages after the
permission is enforced.

We’ll be collating responses and adding more information on our developer
resources permission model page:

We have also blogged about this on the Twitter blog:


Twitter developer documentation and resources: https://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: https://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: https://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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