Hi BB - it looks like Matt has answered this question in another




On May 18, 3:46 pm, BB <thebar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Jason and other folks that made it to #devnestSF,
> I did not make it out.  I had one huge question and I wonder if any of
> the other folks had it:
> When (if ever) will twitter open up embedding in the details pane to
> new companies? (specifically video players)
> Did anyone else ask this?   What is the answer?
> Thank you very much,
> BB
> On May 17, 12:58 pm, Jason Costa <jasonco...@twitter.com> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > Thanks again to those of you who spent the evening with us this past
> > Thursday at #devnestSF. We had a great time seeing so many of you, and
> > hope you enjoyed yourselves too. We started off the night with talks
> > from Dick Costolo and Ryan Sarver, then saw presentations from four
> > great companies in the ecosystem: DataMinr, Klout, The Guardian, and
> > Quora. A big thanks to all four of them for coming out.
> > We also had a chance to do Q&A with Ryan and Matt Harris from the
> > Platform team. We heard some solid questions from the audience around
> > an OAuth 2 implementation, the status of the JavaScript API and
> > @anywhere, opening up an API for the t.co shortener, and more. We’re
> > hoping to eventually upload videos from the event, but don’t have a
> > timeline as of yet for that.
> > Just to recap on some of the statistics we revealed during the event:
> > - the platform now receives 13 Billion API requests a day
> > - 600,000 developers are working with the Twitter API
> > - 900,000 applications have integrated with the Twitter API
> > Additionally, we saw other exciting activities in the ecosystem over
> > the past six months:
> > - ~$1 Billion in acquisitions
> > - ~$475 Million in venture capital investment
> > As I mentioned above, we had some great ecosystem company
> > presentations too:
> > - DataMinr sent out an alert regarding Osama Bin Laden’s death 20
> > minutes before Bloomberg reported it, and the detection was based on
> > only 19 tweets.
> > - Klout is now serving almost 1 Billion API calls monthly, with more
> > than 4 billion graph edges scored daily and over 6 billion tweets
> > analyzed for user topics every three months.
> > - Guardian discussed how they were able to pull down a massive volume
> > of tweets, and analyze public sentiment around Tony Blair at the
> > Chilcott Inquiry.
> > - Quora illustrated how they effectively use the Twitter OAuth sign-in
> > flow, and noted how they see an average of 30 click-throughs when a
> > user tweets an answer out.
> > If you attended the event and have feedback, please feel free to send
> > me a note (jasonco...@twitter.com) - I’d love to hear how you felt
> > about it. We want to do more of these in the future, and your feedback
> > will help us to better calibrate those events.

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API updates via Twitter: https://twitter.com/twitterapi
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