Scott :

Thanks, but I seem to be lost for ideas as to how to perform an OAuth
in this case. Is there any example, code, documentation I can look
into to explain the phenomena?


On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 1:37 AM, Scott Wilcox <> wrote:
> Yes, the 'My Access Token' would suit that use case.
> On 4 Jun 2011, at 20:57, Correa Denzil wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to use a one access token with OAuth to make calls to the
>> Twitter API. I am NOT trying to build a web application but rather
>> trying to harvest data from Twitter to perform some analysis. I would
>> like to collect three types of data : followers, friends and user
>> information including status updates as available. I am able to do all
>> the same using no authentication as the data I collect are from public
>> users only. However, due to API limits I would like to shift to Oauth
>> which would allow me to get access to 350 requests per hour.
>> Is OAuth one access token the right approach for my task?
>> Is there any documentation or example to do the same? I am not using
>> any wrapper. Wrappers like Python-Twitter and Twython don't allow
>> functions to access followers, status updates of other users i.e.
>> users with data publicly available. I use urllib2 to directly call the
>> URL as given on the Twitter API documentation website.
>> I have registered an application and have all the keys (API key,
>> Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token, Access Secret Key) with
>> me. I would just like to get myself authenticated and mine Twitter to
>> collect data.
>> Programming Language : Python
>> --Regards,
>> Denzil
> --
> Scott Wilcox
> @dordotky | |
> +44 (0) 7538 842418 | +1 (646) 827-0580
> --
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