Actually Twitter integration has already been done in Samsung bada
platform and all the APIs work very well. You just need to
authenticate once using the authenticator API provided by Samsung,
then you able to tweet and other operation like follow and DM etc. I
would assume the iOS 5 APIs will work the same. Anyway, looking
forward to get more infromation about Twitter iOS APIs.

On Jun 7, 1:05 am, Jason Costa <> wrote:
> Hey all,
> There have been a lot of questions about what the iOS announcement
> today means for developers. The integration points noted in Apple’s
> keynote create huge opportunities for both Twitter and iOS
> developers.
> There is single sign-on, which allows you to retrieve a user's
> identity, avatar, and other profile data. There's also a frictionless
> core signing service, allowing you to make and sign any call to the
> Twitter API. There is follow graph synchronization, which enables you
> to bootstrap a user's social graph for your app. Furthermore, there is
> the tweet sheet feature, giving your app distribution and reach across
> Twitter. These key integration points and more will be available to
> developers once the SDK goes live.
> We’re holding the event this Wednesday night (6:30pm to 8:30pm) to
> talk about these key integration points and more, and how you can use
> these hooks in greater detail. If you have questions - this is a great
> time to get them answered.
> The agenda will include:
> - Introduction by @rsarver
> - iOS integration overview by @raffi
> - Technical details of iOS integration by @sandofsky
> - ABUIKit presentation from @atebits
> - Q&A w/ @rsarver, @raffi, and @sandofsky
> - "Tea Time" (social)
> Please don’t forget to RSVP for the event:
> --@jasoncosta

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