I believe I am using the PHP Twitter libraries because I see Oauth.php and
TwitterOauth.php being included in the script. I recently took this project
over from the other developer and I am new to twitter programming, which is
why I am unsure on how to grab that access level for the users in my

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 1:03 PM, Scott Wilcox <sc...@dor.ky> wrote:

> Are you using any libraries?
> On 21 Jun 2011, at 18:59, Gene wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> Can you please give a quick example on how to get the X-Access-Level
> value. My application runs on PHP and I would like to get the X-Access-
> Level for all of the users in my application and store it into a
> database. I have all the keys, and tokens and everything. I am just
> getting tripped up on getting that value. Thanks for your help.
> Regards,
> Gene
> On Jun 13, 7:56 pm, Matt Harris <thematthar...@twitter.com> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> A number of updates were made to the Direct Message methods and OAuth
> screens at the end of last week. Here's what went out:
> * force_login is now supported onhttps://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize
> * the OAuth screens now support a feature phone tier of handsets and render
> them in a simpler format
> * the language on all the screens is standardized to say "direct message"
> * there is a "Return to App" URL on the Deny and Cancel screens that
> redirects the user to the oauth_callback url with a 'denied' parameter
> instead of oauth_token.
> This next parameter isn't needed by everybody but we will be adding
> screen_name support to the authorize and authenticate pages in the next few
> days. If you want to add this to your code ready for when we release the
> feature you can, but please know the screen_name parameter will be ignored
> unless you also provide the force_login parameter. The screen_name
> parameter
> pre-fills the username field of the OAuth screen when force_login is true.
> The user is still able to edit the field, even if it is prefilled.
> Lastly, these are the main points discussed in previous emails and Tweets:
> * The new permission level will be enforced on 30th June.
> * If you don't need to read or delete direct messages you do not need to
> update the permission level of your application.
> * Read/Write applications will still be able to send direct messages, even
> after the enforcement date.
> * Existing oauth_tokens will not be invalidated, even if the application
> permission level is altered.
> * You can find out the current permission level of an oauth_token by
> inspecting the headers of an authenticated request to the API. Look for
> the X-Access-Level header.
> --
> Scott Wilcox
> @dordotky | sc...@dor.ky | http://dor.ky
> +44 (0) 7538 842418 | +1 (646) 827-0580
>  --
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