> Thank Francois for your answer. I hope other people will partecipate
> to this discussion.

Me too !

>>a) Isn't it possible to defer call to THttpContentCoding.GetCoding until 
>>is really needed so that exceptions are raise at that time ?
> I made some changes, now the GetCoding is called only when it is
> needed.


>>b.1) There is already a property "Options" which is a set of properties. 
>>is better to extent this set.
> First, I mention record but I mean object.
> Usually I don't use anymore a set for a property mainly for two
> reasons. The first is that set are limited in the number of members.
> The second, and more important for me, is that sets doesn't works
> well with VFI, because you cannot "switch" a member without affecting
> the others.
> But last word is yours.

Sets are limited to 128 members if memory serve me well.
They are nicely handled by the object inspector.
I don't know what VFI stands for.

>>c) Acceptable. Maybe add an event with a boolean var argument "ignore". If
>>ignore is true, nothing special happend, the document is receive
>>undecompressed. If ignore = false then an exception is raised. Just an 
> I'm not convinced. We should think about a real scenario. I think
> that it is better for the moment that it remain as is, and then make
> a change when/if it is real needed to handle a real situation.


> Opinion from others reader?

Most wanted. Xavier !? Others !?

>>d) I do not master the topic. Could you elaborate ?
> I know only what I red from RFC. This is what I understood.
> You can specify in the header what kind of encoding you can handle.
> This doesn't mean that you cannot receive a body encoded with a
> method not included in the Accept-Encoding.
> A second form is to specify the econding with a quality parameter,
> for example "gzip:1 deflate:0.9". With this you inform the server
> that you can handle both gzip and deflate but you prefer gzip.
> If you specify 0 as quality then it mean that you don't accept the
> encoding.
> Two particular encoding are "identity" and "*". You will never see
> this in the answer, only in the Accept-Encoding header. The first
> mean "no encoding" and the second "all others".
> So if you write "gzip:1 identity:0.2 *:0" should mean "I prefer gzip
> over identity, but doesn't accept any other encoding".
> Even this should be possible: "gzip:1 identity:0 *:0" i.e. "send me
> only encoded with gzip".
> This is the theory. Practically I made some test with IIS 5.1 and it
> seems ignore completly the quality.
> Actually I made some changes to disable the quality by default and
> use 0 as default quality for indentity and *. Coding with quality = 0
> will not specified in Accept-Encoding if quality is not used.

Thanks for quick explanation. I will follow your opinion.


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