Use line mode to have TWSocket assemble lines for you.
Also read message thread with subject "Sending 7 kilobytes of data" and read 
"TCP/UDP primer"
document available from support page at my website. You'll understand how TCP 
transmission work and
how to manage your receiver to get all data.

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Author of ICS (Internet Component Suite, freeware)
Author of MidWare (Multi-tier framework, freeware)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "albert drent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:40 PM
Subject: [twsocket] [re] databuffer is cut off

> I am using ICS, the components I use are TWSocketServer and TWSocket. I try 
> to send a large string
> Display(IntToStr(SendStr(Encrypt(AnswerData.CommaText) + #13#10))+'bytes 
> sent');
> CloseDelayed;
> The bytecount tells me that all is sent. But on the receive it is cut of...
> procedure TDM.CliSocketDataAvailable(Sender: TObject; Error: Word);
> var
>     Len : Integer;   var fn : textfile;
> begin
>     { We use line mode, we will receive a complete line }
>     Len := CliSocket.Receive(@Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer) - 1);
>     assignfile(fn, 'd:\testen.txt');
>     append(fn);
>     writeln(fn, IntToStr(SizeOf(buffer))+' '+IntToStr(Len));
>     closefile(fn);
>    if Len <= 0 then
>         Exit;
>     Buffer[Len]       := #0;              { Nul terminate  }
>     ProcessCommand(StrPas(Buffer));       { Pass as string }
> end;
> The buffersize is 100000 so large enough. It's all based on the sample 
> applications, but somehow
data is cut-off if it exceeds something like 30k.
> In the source I read that it should be possible to transfer mb's of data in a 
> single call, but as
the only option I see now is to send it in chuncks of ??? size.
> albert
> -- 
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