I got the following error report at one customer site which appears to
be during the creation of my TDataModule the TWSocket resides on.

exception class   : ERangeError
exception message : Range check error.

Main ($fff9384b):
008d7c34 +064 REMINDER.EXE OverbyteIcsWndControl  525  +1 TIcsWndControl.Dispose
008d7e62 +022 REMINDER.EXE OverbyteIcsWndControl  550  +3 TIcsWndControl.Destroy
008ddb2d +0dd REMINDER.EXE OverbyteIcsWSocket    4286 +31 TCustomWSocket.Destroy
008e4b8b +053 REMINDER.EXE OverbyteIcsWSocket    7904 +11
0047717e +046 REMINDER.EXE Classes
00476f83 +047 REMINDER.EXE Classes                        TComponent.Destroy
004781a5 +065 REMINDER.EXE Classes                        TDataModule.Destroy
00404a56 +03e REMINDER.EXE System                         @ClassCreate
008e218f +0df REMINDER.EXE OverbyteIcsWSocket    6893 +15
008e1b36 +0ca REMINDER.EXE OverbyteIcsWSocket    6523 +34
008e19e5 +011 REMINDER.EXE OverbyteIcsWSocket    6440  +1 TCustomWSocket.Close
008ddaa2 +052 REMINDER.EXE OverbyteIcsWSocket    4263  +8 TCustomWSocket.Destroy
008e4b8b +053 REMINDER.EXE OverbyteIcsWSocket    7904 +11
004703e5 +0ad REMINDER.EXE Classes                        CreateComponent

My component settings are as follows:

  object WSocket: TWSocket
    LineMode = False
    LineLimit = 65536
    LineEnd = #13#10
    LineEcho = False
    LineEdit = False
    Addr = 'mydomain.com'  <-not the actual one I use
    Port = '12007'
    Proto = 'udp'
    LocalAddr = ''
    LocalPort = '0'
    LastError = 0
    MultiThreaded = False
    MultiCast = False
    MultiCastIpTTL = 1
    ReuseAddr = False
    ComponentOptions = [wsoNoReceiveLoop]
    ListenBacklog = 5
    ReqVerLow = 1
    ReqVerHigh = 1
    FlushTimeout = 60
    SendFlags = wsSendNormal
    LingerOnOff = wsLingerOff
    LingerTimeout = 0
    KeepAliveOnOff = wsKeepAliveOff
    KeepAliveTime = 0
    KeepAliveInterval = 0
    SocksLevel = '5'
    SocksAuthentication = socksNoAuthentication
    Left = 60
    Top = 8

What settings do I need to change? I am using the socket to send udp
packets with some non-crucial logging of my application.

I've only seen this error once, but my program is being installed all
over right now with this code so I am a bit worried.

-Johnnie Norsworthy
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