BTW, you may have wondered why don't you debug the TIcsWndHandler from 
within your project? The problem is my application immediately goes out of 
memory when compiled in debug mode! With some tweaks I can put breakpoints 
to C++ parts but does not let me in Pascal!!!

Please DO HELP!



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Arno Garrels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ICS support mailing" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] Possible bug and solution in TWndControl

> Fastream Technologies wrote:
>> Arno,
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Arno Garrels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "ICS support mailing" <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 2:43 PM
>> Subject: Re: [twsocket] Possible bug and solution in TWndControl
>>> Fastream Technologies wrote:
>>>> I did not understand what you propose to have a single wndhandler
>>>> per thread with messages starting from WM_APP + 100--how to do it
>>>> properly?
>>> As we discussed yesterday, increase value of constant WH_MAX_MSG,
>>> the higher the value the less windows will be created but performance
>>> may decrease. An option to _force_ only one single window is not
>>> available in the component. Initialize global variable
>>> GWndHandlerMsgLow to change the base of allocated message numbers.
>> I believe you are not getting all of my messages (I cannot exactly
>> see them since I am using Gmail and Gmail blocks the messages I send
>> to mailing lists). Anyway, the WM_USER + 1 is hard coded:
> Initialize means you assign it in an Intialization section, do you?
> What is the purpose of creating a plain WndHandler in a worker thread?
> Please explain.
>> I traced the bug to here:
>> function TIcsWndHandlerPool.GetWndHandler(
>>     HandlerCount : UINT;
>>     ThreadID     : THandle) : TIcsWndHandler;
>> var
>>     I : Integer;
>>     L : TIcsWndHandlerList;
>> begin
>>     // Search the list which has same thread ID
>>     I := FList.Count - 1;
>>     while (I >= 0) and
>>           (TIcsWndHandlerList(FList.Items[I]).ThreadID <> ThreadID) do
>>         Dec(I);
>>     if I >= 0 then
>>         L := TIcsWndHandlerList(FList.Items[I])
>>     else begin
>>         // No list found. Create a new one
>>         L          := TIcsWndHandlerList.Create;
>>         L.ThreadID := ThreadID;
>>         FList.Add(L);
>>     end;
>>     // Search the list for a WndHandler with enough MsgHandlers
>> available     I := 0;
>>     while I < L.Count do begin
>>         Result := TIcsWndHandler(L.Items[I]);
>>         if Result.GetMsgLeft >= HandlerCount then
>>             Exit;
>>         Inc(I);
>>     end;
>>     Result            := TIcsWndHandler.Create;
>>     Result.FOwnerList := L;
>>     OutputDebugString(PChar('TIcsWndHandler.Create OwnerList = ' +
>> IntToHex(Integer(Result.FOwnerList), 8)));
>>     Result.MsgLow     := WM_USER + 1; // The EIP comes here, does not
>> use my wndhandler in thread!
>>     L.Add(Result);
>> end;
>> This occurs in threadattach in the thread code I sent!
>> Best Regards,
>> SZ
>>> Why do you want to debug and tune all at the same time? Usually
>>> I start tweaking (known) parameters once the app. runs stable
>>> with default settings.
>>> ---
>>> Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
>>>>> And check for HWND = 0 if you process custom thread messages sent
>>>>> by PostThreadMessage() (just to be sure).
>>>> Already doing this.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> SZ
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Wilfried Mestdagh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>> To: "ICS support mailing" <>
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 10:17 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [twsocket] Possible bug and solution in TWndControl
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> It is just a simple constant, why shouldn't it be 800 instead of
>>>>>>>> 100??
>>>>>>> Because it is not the source of a bug. No need to change anything
>>>>>>> if it is not buggy. Changing it and then your code works does not
>>>>>>> prove there is a bug.
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]
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