Arno Garrels wrote:
> Veit Zimmermann wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm currently testing my usage of TSmtpClient and I get some
>> strange behavior: When I unplug my computers network cable while
>> a SMTP connection is active it takes about 5 to 10 seconds and
>> then a MessageBox-like window appears with the Error Icon but no
>> test at all on it. 
>> Ignoring the fact that my program is now
>> frozen, where does this window come from and how can I handle a
>> hard disconnect like this gracefully?
> Do you run the application in debugger? That would show you
> the line where the exception (if any) was raised.
> Usually, if the network cable is plugged off OnSessionClose will
> be triggered when the component tries to send or receive something.

I tried both. The problem is I get a lot of nice exception, which I
can identify very clearly and then I get some which bring up this
empty messagebox (caption by the way is programname.exe). The debugger
stops but does not show a position in the source code.

Eventlog shows the following at this time
First chance exception at $7C812A5B. Exception class EExternalException 
with message 'External exception C0000006'. Process GPS_Plus.exe (3140)


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