One additional note from me: If you use single ICS worker thread for the 
server, then you won't be able to utilize multiple CPU-cores. That's the 
same for client as well. To see how we cope with this problem on the client 
side, see the source of my WebStressTester at

It's in BCB2006.

Best Regards,


----- Original Message ----- 
To: "ICS support mailing" <>
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] Problems writing tester with connection counts

>> However, TWSocketServer does not have what I need for these tests.  I am
>> not
>> wanting to know concurrent or contiguous client connections.  If I was,
>> then
>> yes, ClientCount would be sufficient.  Rather, I am trying to determine
>> how
>> many connection lifecycles can occur over a period of time.  This 
>> includes
>> connect, build session (TWSOcketServer) and disconnect.
> As I understand, you are using a single connection to evaluate the time.
> This will give a different time tahn if you used several parrallel
> connections. You must be aware of that. This is because of low level 
> protocol negociation which can take place in parallel for several
> connections. So having many simultaneous connections result in an overall
> better result.
> Setting up a TCP connection and gracefully closing a TCP connection are
> processes which involve several packets to be exchanged between client and
> server. There is a round trip time depending on the hardware and network 
> you
> have. This is why having simultaneous connections will result in a better
> global result. Depending on a lot of factors, establishing 10 or 100
> simultaneous connections mays take the same time as establishing only one.
> Same for graceful close.
> What you do in your code between OnClientConnected and the graceful close,
> and how you do it will drastically change the results. Fully understanding
> how Windows handle messages will help interpreting the results. And if you
> use simultaneous connections, using a thread for the processing of each
> connection could change the numbers a lot (In both directions !).
>> This is not something that TWSocketServer will tell me.  Ergo, my test is
>> designed to determine this.
> Yes, TWSocketServer will tell you exactly the same thing as what you could
> reinvent. TWSocketServer /is/ a TWSocket and instanciate a new TWSocket 
> for
> each incomming connection. You can tell TWSocketServer to use your own
> TWSocket derived class. You do as you like, but believe me, you are
> reinventing the wheel.
> --
> The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
> The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)
> -- 
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