
>> 3. Put a loop in my DataAvailable event that will do a Receive until I
>> get -1 back.  This would probably be the easiest to implement for me.
> No never do that. Don't set wsoReceiveLoop. If something is still (or
> again) in receiving winsock buffer when you leave OnDataAvailable then
> it will trigger again in a loop.

   If I don't set wsoNoReceiveLoop, then AsyncReceive loops continually 
calling my OnDataAvailable event.  This would be fine if winsock did not 
put more FD_Read messages in the queue when I don't receive all the 
data.  The problem I'm facing is that on very large transfers, winsock 
is flooding the queue with these FD_Read messages which produce extra 
and pointless calls to OnDataAvailable.  This is what I'm trying to correct.

   So, the way I see it, I either have to set wsoNoReceiveLoop and let 
each FD_Read message produce a single call to my OnDataAvailable event, 
or I need to let AsyncRecieve loop and somehow tell winsock to not 
produce the extra FD_Read messages.  What produces the fastest transfers 
and how would I set it up?

>> All in all, speed is my main interest here.  I want to read in all the
>> data the server is sending me as fast as possible.
> - if possible move the data direcly where it belong, not copy it first in
>   a buffer as you do now. If you have to buffer it in between for some
>   reason make it as large as possible (make a little test case to see
>   how large receiving packets will be in a real world test).
> - if you move direcly where it belong then you have to receive only what
>   you need of course. but no worry OnDataAvailable will trigger again
>   immediatly.

   I think you misunderstand me.  My OnDataAvailable event is calling 
Receive to read in the data and then that data is processed.  The only 
way I can process it is to read it in.  I'm not saving this data to a 
file on the hard drive or anything.  So, I don't know what you mean by 
"move the data directly where it belongs".


Jake Traynham
Owner, CNS Plug-ins
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