Hello retnyg,

You call RSet if you have an error. If you have an error just call Abort
and try later again. Also check on any error, not only between those

if Error <> 0 then begin
   SetSomeRetryMechanism; // retry with a timer or by posting a message

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

Monday, January 7, 2008, 12:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> hi,

> i changed the code as follows:

> procedure TMailer.SmtpClientRequestDone;

>   function isError : boolean;
>   begin
>     result := false;
>     if ((Error > 399) and (Error < 600)) or (error >= 10000) then result := 
> true;
>     if result then if assigned(FOnError) then  FOnError(FSmtp.ErrorMessage);
>   end;

> begin
>   // it is possible that an exception arises here : smtp component not 
> connected so
>   with FSmtp do begin
>     if isError then Rset
>     else
>     if not Connected then exit //Rset // fehlerbehandlung einbauen
>     else
>     case RqType of
>       smtpConnect:
>       begin
>         if AuthType = smtpAuthNone then Helo else Ehlo;
>       end;
>       smtpHelo: MailFrom;
>       smtpEhlo: Auth;
>       smtpAuth: MailFrom;
>       smtpMailFrom: RcptTo;
>       smtpRcptTo: Data;
>       smtpData: Quit;
> //      smtpRset: Quit;
> //      smtpQuit: begin
> //        FBusy := false;
> //        if assigned(FOnMailSent) then FOnMailSent(FMailId);
> //      end;
>     end;
>   end;
> end;

> still i get the error "smtp component not connected", even if i check
> explicitly for it.

> any ideas ?

> tia, retnyg

>>> hi there,
>>> is there also such a known bug in smtpprot.pas ?

AG>> No known issues. Please check your code. An error is anything > 0!
AG>> This can be a winsock error code > 10000 or an SMTP error
AG>> code. The action to be taken depends on both current request
AG>> type and error code, read the RFCs for a description of SMTP
AG>> error codes. Also a reconnect should never be tried by calling
AG>> Connect from a component event handler but by posting a 
AG>> custom message, in the message handler calling Connect is safe. 

AG>> --
AG>> Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
AG>> http://www.overbyte.be/eng/overbyte/teamics.html

>>> (testing with a gmx account)
>>> my app receives mail through pop3prot.pas then forwards them through
>>> smtpprot.pas.
>>> at first i received the exception "smtp component not connected" in
>>> smtpclientrequestdone, now i built in a check if not connected, now i
>>> receive "smtp component not ready".
>>> procedure TMailer.SmtpClientRequestDone;
>>>   function isError : boolean;
>>>   begin
>>>     result := false;
>>>     if (Error > 399) and (Error < 600) then result := true;
>>>     if result then if assigned(FOnError) then 
>>> FOnError(FSmtp.ErrorMessage);   end;
>>> begin
>>>   // it is possible that an exception arises here : smtp component
>>> not connected so   with FSmtp do begin
>>>     if isError then Rset
>>>     else
>>>     if not Connected then Connect
>>>     else
>>>     case RqType of
>>>       smtpConnect:
>>>       begin
>>>         if AuthType = smtpAuthNone then Helo else Ehlo;
>>>       end;
>>> ....
>>> tia, retnyg

> -- 
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen

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