Hello Arnold,

I am french but as this mailing list is English...

May be you can do something :

Shutdown  IIS,  start you ICS FTP server (if you can specify listening
IP it should use only one IP), then start IIS again, it should bind to
all non-used port 21 on the other IPs.


AF>  I don't understand. 

AF> Indeed, if you launch two FTP Server with the same IP address server and the
AF> same port, it can't be OK. 

AF> However, in this case, these IP addresses are all differents.

AF> And on this server, 4 IIS FTP Server run on 4 differents IP addresses but
AF> the 4 use the same port 21 and it's OK.

AF> It's not OK for my ICS FTP Server.

AF> Sorry but I'm French and I don't understand all in English.

AF> Arnold.



AF>   _____  

>> So I need to put another FTP server. So I've created an other address:
>> on port 21. But when I launch my soft (based on ICS FTP
>> Server), I've "Error 10048 in function Bind - Address already in
>> Use". 
AF> That error is rather self explantory. 
>> If I shut down all IIS ftp server, it's OK.
AF> That's "as designed", on one interface/IP and port only one socket may
AF> listen (in older windows versions it was sometimes possible to hijack an
AF> already listen socket, however that's no longer possible in most cases).
AF> In windows server versions you can create plenty of virtual interfaces.
AF> --
AF> Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
AF>  <http://www.overbyte.be/eng/overbyte/teamics.html>
AF> http://www.overbyte.be/eng/overbyte/teamics.html
AF> Arnold FLUTEAUX wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I use ICS for in a ftp Server. And I've a problem. On a server which
>> has several IP addresses and for each adress an IIS FTP Server is
>> launched on the same port 21.
>> So that:
>> On IIS:
>> FTP on - Port 21
>> FTP on - Port 21
>> FTP on - Port 21
>> FTP on - Port 21
>> So I need to put another FTP server. So I've created an other address:
>> on port 21. But when I launch my soft (based on ICS FTP
>> Server), I've "Error 10048 in function Bind - Address already in
>> Use". If I shut down all IIS ftp server, it's OK.
>> I precise that I've no choice in this configuration.
>> Thanks for help
>> Arnold

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