Arno Garrels wrote:
> Olivier Sannier wrote:
>> Assert(Assigned(GWndHandlerPool), 'GWndHandlerPool is already nil, check 
>> your threads!!!');
> I just wonder whether we shouldn't check "not GUnitFinalized" rather than 
> "Assigned(GWndHandlerPool)",
> what do you think?
No we should not as it would go against the whole concept of the 
proposed patch.
The basic idea is that it is quite easy to get the situation where the 
unit is finalized but sockets are still connected and working. So the 
patch allows to continue working in this situation without any crash, 
letting either the finalization section or the last socket (whichever 
comes last) to destroy the global handle pool.
However, there is one last case where a socket could still use the 
global handle pool after it has been freed, and this is this case that 
the assert is catching. With the proposed patch, the Assertion can only 
be False if the pool has been freed but a new socket is created later on.
This can only be because of all sockets being freed, the finalization 
going through but a thread that is still running creates a new socket. 
This new socket will trigger the assertion.
There is no way to know if such a situation is going to happen, so there 
is no way to get a workaround, hence the need to raise an assertion to 
inform the developer of this issue. The only way to detect that 
situation is because GWndHandlerPool is no longer assigned.

I hope this clarifies the situation.

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