Most likely you call Connect while a previous call to Connect
is still in the pipe (some loop, TTimer etc.)?

>  Form1.FTPClient1.Connect(); Log(5, '{hms}: FTP: Connected
> (hopefully)');   //  <--- not actually connected at this point  :(

That's true and the great nature of non-blocking methods.
Connect is asynchron, you should call it only in case a previously 
call to Connect returned in OnRequestDone. Also method Connect should
always be enclosed in a try except block since it might raise an

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

Matt Minnis wrote:
> Using Delphi 7, ICS FTPCli V6.03
> On some machines I get the following error:  500 ESocketException: No
> Error (#0 in Connect)
> Excerpt from my log:
> 10:45:07: FTP: Ready to connect
> ftp Request ConnectAsync Done.
> ftp StatusCode = 500
> ftp LastResponse was : '500 ESocketException: No Error (#0 in
> Connect)' ftp Error = 500 (500 ESocketException: No Error (#0 in
> Connect)) 
> This however works on other machines, ftp connects just fine and can
> do all the transfers I need to.
> I can connect manually (cmd prompt ftp) to the site just fine.
> I am trying to use Passive mode ftp, though I havent gotten that far
> yet in the process so that shouldn't matter.
> There is no firewall or antivirus on this particular server.
> Code snippet:
>  SetCurrentDir(ExtractFilePath(FileName));
>  Form1.FTPClient1.Password := FTPPassword;
>  Form1.FTPClient1.UserName := FTPUser;
>  Form1.FTPClient1.LocalFileName := ExtractFileName(FileName);
>  Form1.FTPClient1.HostFileName := ExtractFileName(FileName);
>  Form1.FTPClient1.HostDirName := '/';
>  //If not connected then try connecting
>  Log(5, '{hms}: FTP: Ready to connect');
>  if (Form1.FTPClient1.Connected = false) then
>  Form1.FTPClient1.Connect(); Log(5, '{hms}: FTP: Connected
> (hopefully)');   //  <--- not actually connected at this point  :(
> Using the ICS Logger set as:  ICSLogger1.LogOptions :=
> [loDestEvent,loDestFile,loDestOutDebug,loAddStamp,loWsockErr,loWsockInfo,loW
> sockDump];
> I get very little:
> 10:45:07:176 TWSocket will connect to
> 10:45:07:238 00A4DA90 TriggerDataSent 1276
> Anyone know the cause of this?
> What can I do to troubleshoot this?
> Thanks!
> Matt
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