if (_LowerCase(FProtoStr) <> 'tcp') and (_Trim(FProtoStr) <> '6') then begin RaiseException('TCP is the only protocol supported thru socks server'); { V5.26 }

a) looks quite weird, as it likely to throw exception in every case (FProtoStr can't be equal to 'tcp' and '6' at the same time)

This is an "and" not an "or". The exception is raised when FProtoStr is neither 'tcp' no '6'.

b) UDP through Socks5 is possible through UDP ASSOCIATE command instead of CONNECT,
as well as listening is available through BIND command

Probably. Maybe you'll implement those features ?

       FBufHandler := nil;

=> FreeAndNil ? Much shorter

Shorter in code, but slower. Note that this has been written at a timle where FreeAndNil didn't existed.

TriggerError  { Should be modified to pass Msg ! }

it really should be :)

The problem is that is would break existing code. On of the gold rules in ICS has always been and will always be to avoid as much as possible breaking existing code. The error message, if required, should be passed thru a property for example. This wouldn't break any existing code.


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