Svemu - Reparto Sviluppo wrote:
> From: "Arno Garrels" <>
>> It might be that the application loaded some incompatible
>> OpenSSL libraries unless the full path and filenames are
>> specified.
>> try
>>    GSSLEAY_DLL_Name := <full path and filename>;
>>    GLIBEAY_DLL_Name := <full path and filename>;
>>    MySslContext.InitContext; // loads the libraries and initializes
>> the SslContext
>> except
>>    // Something went wrong, log and handle it.
>> end;"
> ok, tomorrow morning i try this.
> i'm sure that in the folder of OverbyteIcsSslFtpTst.exe, the dll are
> 0.9.8e and with ProcessMonitor.exe i see that  they are loaded

Not required if the image path is actually correct.

> this morning i've see that if i use OverbyteIcsHttpsTst.exe from the
> customer's pc, ssl work fine.
> TSSLContext is different between ftp
> and http? 

The xx_bug options are set in the HttpsTst demo. 
>> As I understand, your customer uses your application rather
>> than OverbyteIcsSslFtpTst.exe. If so, I would compare all
>> SSL settings of your application with the demo settings.
> yes, my customer use my application but for this test, i use
> OverbyteIcsSslFtpTst.exe on the customer's pc.

Is it the _same_ OverbyteIcsSslFtpTst.exe?
I'm asking because your client_hello size is 90 bytes 
however my test with the original OverbyteIcsSslFtpTst demo and 
OSSL 0.9.8e sent a 88 bytes client_hello, this looks like a different
different option set in SslContext.

Arno Garrels

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