
I am using THttpConnection.AnswerString from file OverbyteIcsHttpSrv and want 
to send several answers in a long running request via transfer-encoding 

What do I have to do for this to be possible? FKeepAliveTimeSec is zero, I set 
the header of the response before calling answerString. Here my code:

      response.ContentType:= 'text/json';
      response.Param['transfer-encoding']:= 'chunked' ; //does not work with 
additional the CRLF either.

      response.Content:= '{ „Progress“: { „Ticket“: „-1“, „Operation“: 
„StillRunning...“ }}';
      response.Content := IntToHex(Length(response.Content),4) + #13#10 + 
response.Content + #13#10;
      Request.Answer( response );


      response.Content:= '{"Parameter": "long", "Information": "Sorry that it 
took so long"}';
      response.Content := IntToHex(Length(response.Content),4) + #13#10 + 
response.Content + #13#10;
      response.Content := response.Content + '0' + #13#10 + #13#10;
      Request.Answer( response );

With Request.Answer

procedure TAtServerRequestWebICS.Answer( _response: TAtServerResponse );
    flags: THttpGetFlag;
    FConnection.AnswerString( flags
      , '' {Default Status '200 OK'}
      , _response.ContentType
      , _response.Params          // 'transfer-encoding: chunked'#$D#$A
      , _response.Content );      // '003E'#$D#$A'{ „Progress“: { „Ticket“: 
„-1“, „Operation“: „StillRunning...“ }}'#$D#$A
  end {Answer};

Debugging the code, I run through both calls to answerString, but only one is 
sent, it seems.

It seems that the FBufHandler in TCustomWSocket.PutDataInSendBuffer is nil.
Thank you
Ralph M. Rickenbach - phone +41 52 536 34 65 - mobile +41 78 697 05 21 - email 

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