Christopher Armstrong has proposed merging lp:~radix/txaws/parameter-enrichment 
into lp:txaws.

Requested reviews:
  txAWS Technical List (txaws-tech)
  txAWS Technical List (txaws-tech)
Related bugs:
  Bug #984660 in txAWS: "Enrich schema declarations to allow for describing all 
the details of an API"

For more details, see:

This is one part of schema enrichment. It adds List and Structure Parameter 
types, and significantly refactors the way that paramater parsing and 
formatting is done.

Your team txAWS Technical List is requested to review the proposed merge of 
lp:~radix/txaws/parameter-enrichment into lp:txaws.
=== modified file 'txaws/server/'
--- txaws/server/	2012-03-27 11:51:09 +0000
+++ txaws/server/	2012-04-26 01:41:19 +0000
@@ -26,6 +26,12 @@
         super(MissingParameterError, self).__init__(message)
+class InconsistentParameterError(SchemaError):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        message = "Parameter %s is used inconsistently" % (name,)
+        super(InconsistentParameterError, self).__init__(message)
 class InvalidParameterValueError(SchemaError):
     """Raised when the value of a parameter is invalid."""
@@ -51,6 +57,20 @@
         super(UnknownParameterError, self).__init__(message)
+class UnknownParametersError(Exception):
+    """
+    Raised when extra unknown fields are passed to L{Structure.parse}.
+    @ivar result: The already coerced result representing the known parameters.
+    @ivar unknown: The unknown parameters.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, result, unknown):
+        self.result = result
+        self.unknown = unknown
+        message = "The parameters %s are not recognized" % (unknown,)
+        super(UnknownParametersError, self).__init__(message)
 class Parameter(object):
     """A single parameter in an HTTP request.
@@ -67,7 +87,9 @@
     @param validator: A callable to validate the parameter, returning a bool.
-    def __init__(self, name, optional=False, default=None,
+    supports_multiple = False
+    def __init__(self, name=None, optional=False, default=None,
                  min=None, max=None, allow_none=False, validator=None): = name
         self.optional = optional
@@ -182,7 +204,7 @@
     lower_than_min_template = "Value must be at least %s."
     greater_than_max_template = "Value exceeds maximum of %s."
-    def __init__(self, name, optional=False, default=None,
+    def __init__(self, name=None, optional=False, default=None,
                  min=0, max=None, allow_none=False, validator=None):
         super(Integer, self).__init__(name, optional, default, min, max,
                                       allow_none, validator)
@@ -228,8 +250,10 @@
     kind = "enum"
-    def __init__(self, name, mapping, optional=False, default=None):
+    def __init__(self, name=None, mapping=None, optional=False, default=None):
         super(Enum, self).__init__(name, optional=optional, default=default)
+        if mapping is None:
+            raise TypeError("Must provide mapping")
         self.mapping = mapping
         self.reverse = dict((value, key) for key, value in mapping.iteritems())
@@ -260,18 +284,145 @@
         return datetime.strftime(utc_value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+class List(Parameter):
+    """
+    A homogenous list of instances of a parameterized type.
+    There is a strange behavior that lists can have any starting index and any
+    gaps are ignored.  Conventionally they are 1-based, and so indexes proceed
+    like 1, 2, 3...  However, any non-negative index can be used and the
+    ordering will be used to determine the true index. So::
+        {5: 'a', 7: 'b', 9: 'c'}
+    becomes::
+        ['a', 'b', 'c']
+    """
+    kind = "list"
+    supports_multiple = True
+    def __init__(self, name=None, item=None, optional=False, default=None):
+        """
+        @param item: A L{Parameter} instance which will be used to parse and
+            format the values in the list.
+        """
+        if item is None:
+            raise TypeError("Must provide item")
+        super(List, self).__init__(name, optional=optional, default=default)
+        self.item = item
+    def parse(self, value):
+        """
+        Convert a dictionary of {relative index: value} to a list of parsed
+        C{value}s.
+        """
+        indices = []
+        if not isinstance(value, dict):
+            raise InvalidParameterValueError("%r should be a dict." % (value,))
+        for index in value.keys():
+            try:
+                indices.append(int(index))
+            except ValueError:
+                raise UnknownParameterError(index)
+        result = [None] * len(value)
+        for index_index, index in enumerate(sorted(indices)):
+            v = value[str(index)]
+            if index < 0:
+                raise UnknownParameterError(index)
+            result[index_index] = self.item.coerce(v)
+        return result
+    def format(self, value):
+        """
+        Convert a list like::
+            ["a", "b", "c"]
+        to:
+            {"1": "a", "2": "b", "3": "c"}
+        C{value} may also be an L{Arguments} instance, mapping indices to
+        values. Who knows why.
+        """
+        if isinstance(value, Arguments):
+            return dict((str(i), self.item.format(v)) for i, v in value)
+        return dict((str(i + 1), self.item.format(v))
+                        for i, v in enumerate(value))
+class Structure(Parameter):
+    """
+    A structure with named fields of parameterized types.
+    """
+    kind = "structure"
+    supports_multiple = True
+    def __init__(self, name=None, fields=None, optional=False, default=None):
+        """
+        @param fields: A mapping of field name to field L{Parameter} instance.
+        """
+        if fields is None:
+            raise TypeError("Must provide fields")
+        super(Structure, self).__init__(name, optional=optional,
+                                        default=default)
+        self.fields = fields
+    def parse(self, value):
+        """
+        Convert a dictionary of raw values to a dictionary of processed values.
+        """
+        result = {}
+        rest = {}
+        for k, v in value.iteritems():
+            if k in self.fields:
+                if (isinstance(v, dict)
+                    and not self.fields[k].supports_multiple):
+                    if len(v) == 1:
+                        # We support "foo.1" as "foo" as long as there is only
+                        # one "foo.#" parameter provided.... -_-
+                        v = v.values()[0]
+                    else:
+                        raise InvalidParameterCombinationError(k)
+                result[k] = self.fields[k].coerce(v)
+            else:
+                rest[k] = v
+        for k, v in self.fields.iteritems():
+            if k not in result:
+                result[k] = v.coerce(None)
+        if rest:
+            raise UnknownParametersError(result, rest)
+        return result
+    def format(self, value):
+        """
+        Convert a dictionary of processed values to a dictionary of raw values.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(value, Arguments):
+            value = value.iteritems()
+        return dict((k, self.fields[k].format(v)) for k, v in value)
 class Arguments(object):
     """Arguments parsed from a request."""
     def __init__(self, tree):
         """Initialize a new L{Arguments} instance.
-        @param tree: The C{dict}-based structure of the L{Argument}instance
+        @param tree: The C{dict}-based structure of the L{Argument} instance
             to create.
         for key, value in tree.iteritems():
             self.__dict__[key] = self._wrap(value)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Arguments(%s)" % (self.__dict__,)
+    __repr__ = __str__
     def __iter__(self):
         """Returns an iterator yielding C{(name, value)} tuples."""
         return self.__dict__.iteritems()
@@ -288,7 +439,7 @@
         """Wrap the given L{tree} with L{Arguments} as necessary.
         @param tree: A {dict}, containing L{dict}s and/or leaf values, nested
-        arbitrarily deep.
+            arbitrarily deep.
         if isinstance(value, dict):
             if any(isinstance(name, int) for name in value.keys()):
@@ -299,6 +450,8 @@
                 return [self._wrap(value) for (name, value) in items]
                 return Arguments(value)
+        elif isinstance(value, list):
+            return [self._wrap(x) for x in value]
             return value
@@ -308,7 +461,7 @@
     The schema that the arguments of an HTTP request must be compliant with.
-    def __init__(self, *parameters):
+    def __init__(self, *_parameters, **kwargs):
         """Initialize a new L{Schema} instance.
         Any number of L{Parameter} instances can be passed. The parameter path
@@ -323,60 +476,34 @@
         A more complex example::
-          schema = Schema(Unicode('Name.#'))
+          schema = Schema(List('Names', item=Unicode()))
-        means that the result of L{Schema.extract} would have a C{Name}
+        means that the result of L{Schema.extract} would have a C{Names}
         attribute, which would itself contain a list of names. Similarly,
-        L{Schema.bundle} would look for a C{Name} attribute.
+        L{Schema.bundle} would look for a C{Names} attribute.
-        self._parameters = dict(
-            (self._get_template(, parameter)
-            for parameter in parameters)
+        if 'parameters' in kwargs:
+            if len(_parameters) > 0:
+                raise TypeError("parameters= must only be passed "
+                                "without positional arguments")
+            self._parameters = kwargs['parameters']
+        else:
+            self._parameters = self._convert_old_schema(_parameters)
     def extract(self, params):
         """Extract parameters from a raw C{dict} according to this schema.
         @param params: The raw parameters to parse.
-        @return: An L{Arguments} object holding the extracted arguments.
-        @raises UnknownParameterError: If C{params} contains keys that this
-            schema doesn't know about.
+        @return: A tuple of an L{Arguments} object holding the extracted
+            arguments and any unparsed arguments.
-        tree = {}
-        rest = {}
-        # Extract from the given arguments and parse according to the
-        # corresponding parameters.
-        for name, value in params.iteritems():
-            template = self._get_template(name)
-            parameter = self._parameters.get(template)
-            if template.endswith(".#") and parameter is None:
-                # If we were unable to find a direct match for a template that
-                # allows multiple values. Let's attempt to find it without the
-                # multiple value marker which Amazon allows. For example if the
-                # template is 'PublicIp', then a single key 'PublicIp.1' is
-                # allowed.
-                parameter = self._parameters.get(template[:-2])
-                if parameter is not None:
-                    name = name[:-2]
-                # At this point, we have a template that doesn't have the .#
-                # marker to indicate multiple values. We don't allow multiple
-                # "single" values for the same element.
-                if name in tree.keys():
-                    raise InvalidParameterCombinationError(name)
-            if parameter is None:
-                rest[name] = value
-            else:
-                self._set_value(tree, name, parameter.coerce(value))
-        # Ensure that the tree arguments are consistent with constraints
-        # defined in the schema.
-        for template, parameter in self._parameters.iteritems():
-            self._ensure_tree(tree, parameter, *template.split("."))
+        structure = Structure(fields=self._parameters)
+        try:
+            tree = structure.coerce(self._convert_flat_to_nest(params))
+            rest = {}
+        except UnknownParametersError, error:
+            tree = error.result
+            rest = error.unknown
         return Arguments(tree), rest
     def bundle(self, *arguments, **extra):
@@ -390,117 +517,86 @@
         params = {}
         for argument in arguments:
-            self._flatten(params, argument)
-        self._flatten(params, extra)
+            params.update(argument)
+        params.update(extra)
+        result = {}
         for name, value in params.iteritems():
-            parameter = self._parameters.get(self._get_template(name))
+            if value is None:
+                continue
+            segments = name.split('.')
+            first = segments[0]
+            parameter = self._parameters.get(first)
             if parameter is None:
                 raise RuntimeError("Parameter '%s' not in schema" % name)
                 if value is None:
-                    params[name] = ""
-                else:
-                    params[name] = parameter.format(value)
-        return params
-    def _get_template(self, key):
-        """Return the canonical template for a given parameter key.
-        For example::
-          'Child.1.Name.2'
-        becomes::
-          'Child.#.Name.#'
-        """
-        parts = key.split(".")
-        for index, part in enumerate(parts[1::2]):
-            parts[index * 2 + 1] = "#"
-        return ".".join(parts)
-    def _set_value(self, tree, path, value):
-        """Set C{value} at C{path} in the given C{tree}.
-        For example::
-          tree = {}
-          _set_value(tree, '', True)
-        results in C{tree} becoming::
-          {'foo': {1: {'bar': {2: True}}}}
-        @param tree: A L{dict}.
-        @param path: A L{str}.
-        @param value: The value to set. Can be anything.
-        """
-        nodes = []
-        for index, node in enumerate(path.split(".")):
-            if index % 2:
-                # Nodes with odd indexes must be non-negative integers
-                try:
-                    node = int(node)
-                except ValueError:
-                    raise UnknownParameterError(path)
-                if node < 0:
-                    raise UnknownParameterError(path)
-            nodes.append(node)
-        for node in nodes[:-1]:
-            tree = tree.setdefault(node, {})
-        tree[nodes[-1]] = value
-    def _ensure_tree(self, tree, parameter, node, *nodes):
-        """Check that C{node} exists in C{tree} and is followed by C{nodes}.
-        C{node} and C{nodes} should correspond to a template path (i.e. where
-        there are no absolute indexes, but C{#} instead).
-        """
-        if node == "#":
-            if len(nodes) == 0:
-                if len(tree.keys()) == 0 and not parameter.optional:
-                    raise MissingParameterError(
-            else:
-                for subtree in tree.itervalues():
-                    self._ensure_tree(subtree, parameter, *nodes)
-        else:
-            if len(nodes) == 0:
-                if node not in tree.keys():
-                    # No value for this parameter is present, if it's not
-                    # optional nor allow_none is set, the call below will
-                    # raise a MissingParameterError
-                    tree[node] = parameter.coerce(None)
-            else:
-                if node not in tree.keys():
-                    tree[node] = {}
-                self._ensure_tree(tree[node], parameter, *nodes)
-    def _flatten(self, params, tree, path=""):
-        """
-        For every element in L{tree}, set C{path} to C{value} in the given
-        L{params} dictionary.
-        @param params: A L{dict} which will be populated.
-        @param tree: A structure made up of L{Argument}s, L{list}s, L{dict}s
-            and leaf values.
-        """
-        if isinstance(tree, Arguments):
-            for name, value in tree:
-                self._flatten(params, value, "%s.%s" % (path, name))
-        elif isinstance(tree, dict):
-            for name, value in tree.iteritems():
-                self._flatten(params, value, "%s.%s" % (path, name))
-        elif isinstance(tree, list):
-            for index, value in enumerate(tree):
-                self._flatten(params, value, "%s.%d" % (path, index + 1))
-        elif tree is not None:
-            params[path.lstrip(".")] = tree
-        else:
-            # None is discarded.
-            pass
+                    result[name] = ""
+                else:
+                    result[name] = parameter.format(value)
+        return self._convert_nest_to_flat(result)
+    def _convert_flat_to_nest(self, params):
+        """
+        Convert a structure in the form of::
+            {'': 'value',
+             'foo.2.baz': 'value'}
+        to::
+            {'foo': {'1': {'bar': 'value'},
+                     '2': {'baz': 'value'}}}
+        This is intended for use both during parsing of HTTP arguments like
+        '' and when dealing with schema declarations that look
+        like ''.
+        This is the inverse of L{_convert_nest_to_flat}.
+        """
+        result = {}
+        for k, v in params.iteritems():
+            last = result
+            segments = k.split('.')
+            for index, item in enumerate(segments):
+                if index == len(segments) - 1:
+                    newd = v
+                else:
+                    newd = {}
+                if not isinstance(last, dict):
+                    raise InconsistentParameterError(k)
+                if type(last.get(item)) is dict and type(newd) is not dict:
+                    raise InconsistentParameterError(k)
+                last = last.setdefault(item, newd)
+        return result
+    def _convert_nest_to_flat(self, params, _result=None, _prefix=None):
+        """
+        Convert a data structure that looks like::
+            {"foo": {"bar": "baz", "shimmy": "sham"}}
+        to::
+            {"": "baz",
+             "foo.shimmy": "sham"}
+        This is the inverse of L{_convert_flat_to_nest}.
+        """
+        if _result is None:
+            _result = {}
+        for k, v in params.iteritems():
+            if _prefix is None:
+                path = k
+            else:
+                path = _prefix + '.' + k
+            if isinstance(v, dict):
+                return self._convert_nest_to_flat(v, _result=_result,
+                                                  _prefix=path)
+            else:
+                _result[path] = v
+        return _result
     def extend(self, *schema_items):
@@ -513,3 +609,49 @@
                 raise TypeError("Illegal argument %s" % item)
         return Schema(*parameters)
+    def _convert_old_schema(self, parameters):
+        """
+        Convert an ugly old schema, using dotted names, to the hot new schema,
+        using List and Structure.
+        The old schema assumes that every other dot implies an array. So a list
+        of two parameters,
+            [Integer(""), Integer("")]
+        becomes::
+            {"foo": List(
+                item=Structure(
+                    fields={"baz": List(item=Integer()),
+                            "shimmy": Integer()}))}
+        By design, the old schema syntax ignored the names "bar" and "quux".
+        """
+        crap = {}
+        for parameter in parameters:
+            crap[] = parameter
+        nest = self._convert_flat_to_nest(crap)
+        return self._secret_convert_old_schema(nest, 0).fields
+    def _secret_convert_old_schema(self, mapping, depth):
+        """
+        Internal recursion helper for L{_convert_old_schema}.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(mapping, dict):
+            return mapping
+        if depth % 2 == 0:
+            fields = {}
+            for k, v in mapping.iteritems():
+                fields[k] = self._secret_convert_old_schema(v, depth + 1)
+            return Structure(fields=fields)
+        else:
+            if not isinstance(mapping, dict):
+                raise TypeError("mapping %r must be a dict" % (mapping,))
+            if not len(mapping) == 1:
+                raise ValueError("mapping %r must only have one element"
+                                 % (mapping,))
+            item = mapping.values()[0]
+            item = self._secret_convert_old_schema(item, depth + 1)
+            return List(item=item)

=== modified file 'txaws/server/tests/'
--- txaws/server/tests/	2012-03-27 12:01:45 +0000
+++ txaws/server/tests/	2012-04-26 01:41:19 +0000
@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@
 from txaws.server.exception import APIError
 from txaws.server.schema import (
-    Arguments, Bool, Date, Enum, Integer, Parameter, RawStr, Schema, Unicode)
+    Arguments, Bool, Date, Enum, Integer, Parameter, RawStr, Schema, Unicode,
+    List, Structure,
+    InconsistentParameterError, InvalidParameterValueError)
 class ArgumentsTestCase(TestCase):
@@ -395,6 +397,26 @@
         self.assertEqual(None, arguments.count)
+    def test_extract_with_optional_default(self):
+        """
+        The value of C{default} on a parameter is used as the value when it is
+        not provided as an argument and the parameter is C{optional}.
+        """
+        schema = Schema(Unicode("name"),
+                        Integer("count", optional=True, default=5))
+        arguments, _ = schema.extract({"name": "value"})
+        self.assertEqual(u"value",
+        self.assertEqual(5, arguments.count)
+    def test_extract_structure_with_optional(self):
+        """L{Schema.extract} can handle optional parameters."""
+        schema = Schema(
+            Structure(
+                "struct",
+                fields={"name": Unicode(optional=True, default="radix")}))
+        arguments, _ = schema.extract({"struct": {}})
+        self.assertEqual(u"radix",
     def test_extract_with_numbered(self):
         L{Schema.extract} can handle parameters with numbered values.
@@ -404,6 +426,16 @@
+    def test_extract_with_goofy_numbered(self):
+        """
+        L{Schema.extract} only uses the relative values of indices to determine
+        the index in the resultant list.
+        """
+        schema = Schema(Unicode("name.n"))
+        arguments, _ = schema.extract({"name.5": "Joe", "name.10": "Tom"})
+        self.assertEqual("Joe",[0])
+        self.assertEqual("Tom",[1])
     def test_extract_with_single_numbered(self):
         L{Schema.extract} can handle a single parameter with a numbered value.
@@ -458,8 +490,8 @@
         given without an index.
         schema = Schema(Unicode("name.n"))
-        _, rest = schema.extract({"name": "foo", "name.1": "bar"})
-        self.assertEqual(rest, {"name": "foo"})
+        self.assertRaises(InconsistentParameterError,
+                          schema.extract, {"name": "foo", "name.1": "bar"})
     def test_extract_with_non_numbered_template(self):
@@ -480,7 +512,7 @@
         error = self.assertRaises(APIError, schema.extract, params)
         self.assertEqual(400, error.status)
         self.assertEqual("UnknownParameter", error.code)
-        self.assertEqual("The parameter is not recognized",
+        self.assertEqual("The parameter one is not recognized",
     def test_extract_with_negative_index(self):
@@ -493,7 +525,7 @@
         error = self.assertRaises(APIError, schema.extract, params)
         self.assertEqual(400, error.status)
         self.assertEqual("UnknownParameter", error.code)
-        self.assertEqual("The parameter name.-1 is not recognized",
+        self.assertEqual("The parameter -1 is not recognized",
     def test_bundle(self):
@@ -524,7 +556,7 @@
         L{Schema.bundle} correctly handles an empty numbered arguments list.
         schema = Schema(Unicode("name.n"))
-        params = schema.bundle(names=[])
+        params = schema.bundle(name=[])
         self.assertEqual({}, params)
     def test_bundle_with_numbered_not_supplied(self):
@@ -544,6 +576,41 @@
         self.assertEqual({"name.1": "Foo", "name.2": "Bar", "count": "123"},
+    def test_bundle_with_structure(self):
+        """L{Schema.bundle} can bundle L{Structure}s."""
+        schema = Schema(
+            parameters={
+                "struct": Structure(fields={"field1": Unicode(),
+                                            "field2": Integer()})})
+        params = schema.bundle(struct={"field1": "hi", "field2": 59})
+        self.assertEqual({"struct.field1": "hi", "struct.field2": "59"},
+                         params)
+    def test_bundle_with_list(self):
+        """L{Schema.bundle} can bundle L{List}s."""
+        schema = Schema(parameters={"things": List(item=Unicode())})
+        params = schema.bundle(things=["foo", "bar"])
+        self.assertEqual({"things.1": "foo", "things.2": "bar"}, params)
+    def test_bundle_with_structure_with_arguments(self):
+        """
+        L{Schema.bundle} can bundle L{Structure}s (specified as L{Arguments}).
+        """
+        schema = Schema(
+            parameters={
+                "struct": Structure(fields={"field1": Unicode(),
+                                            "field2": Integer()})})
+        params = schema.bundle(struct=Arguments({"field1": "hi",
+                                                 "field2": 59}))
+        self.assertEqual({"struct.field1": "hi", "struct.field2": "59"},
+                         params)
+    def test_bundle_with_list_with_arguments(self):
+        """L{Schema.bundle} can bundle L{List}s (specified as L{Arguments})."""
+        schema = Schema(parameters={"things": List(item=Unicode())})
+        params = schema.bundle(things=Arguments({1: "foo", 2: "bar"}))
+        self.assertEqual({"things.1": "foo", "things.2": "bar"}, params)
     def test_bundle_with_arguments(self):
         """L{Schema.bundle} can bundle L{Arguments} too."""
         schema = Schema(Unicode("name.n"), Integer("count"))
@@ -590,3 +657,77 @@
         self.assertEqual(5, arguments.count)
+    def test_list(self):
+        """L{List}s can be extracted."""
+        schema = Schema(List("foo", Integer()))
+        arguments, _ = schema.extract({"foo.1": "1", "foo.2": "2"})
+        self.assertEqual([1, 2],
+    def test_non_list(self):
+        """
+        When a non-list argument is passed to a L{List} parameter, a
+        L{InvalidParameterValueError} is raised.
+        """
+        schema = Schema(List("name", Unicode()))
+        self.assertRaises(InvalidParameterValueError,
+                          schema.extract, {"name": "foo"})
+    def test_list_of_list(self):
+        """L{List}s can be nested."""
+        schema = Schema(List("foo", List(item=Unicode())))
+        arguments, _ = schema.extract(
+            {"foo.1.1": "first-first", "foo.1.2": "first-second",
+             "foo.2.1": "second-first", "foo.2.2": "second-second"})
+        self.assertEqual([["first-first", "first-second"],
+                          ["second-first", "second-second"]],
+    def test_structure(self):
+        """
+        L{Schema}s with L{Structure} parameters can have arguments extracted.
+        """
+        schema = Schema(Structure("foo", {"a": Integer(), "b": Integer()}))
+        arguments, _ = schema.extract({"foo.a": "1", "foo.b": "2"})
+        self.assertEqual(1,
+        self.assertEqual(2,
+    def test_structure_of_structures(self):
+        """L{Structure}s can be nested."""
+        sub_struct = Structure(fields={"a": Unicode(), "b": Unicode()})
+        schema = Schema(Structure("foo", fields={"a": sub_struct,
+                                                 "b": sub_struct}))
+        arguments, _ = schema.extract({"foo.a.a": "a-a", "foo.a.b": "a-b",
+                                       "foo.b.a": "b-a", "foo.b.b": "b-b"})
+        self.assertEqual("a-a",
+        self.assertEqual("a-b",
+        self.assertEqual("b-a",
+        self.assertEqual("b-b",
+    def test_list_of_structures(self):
+        """L{List}s of L{Structure}s are extracted properly."""
+        schema = Schema(
+            List("foo", Structure(fields={"a": Integer(), "b": Integer()})))
+        arguments, _ = schema.extract({"foo.1.a": "1", "foo.1.b": "2",
+                                       "foo.2.a": "3", "foo.2.b": "4"})
+        self.assertEqual(1,[0]['a'])
+        self.assertEqual(2,[0]['b'])
+        self.assertEqual(3,[1]['a'])
+        self.assertEqual(4,[1]['b'])
+    def test_structure_of_list(self):
+        """L{Structure}s of L{List}s are extracted properly."""
+        schema = Schema(Structure("foo", fields={"l": List(item=Integer())}))
+        arguments, _ = schema.extract({"foo.l.1": "1", "foo.l.2": "2"})
+        self.assertEqual([1, 2],
+    def test_new_parameters(self):
+        """
+        L{Schema} accepts a C{parameters} parameter to specify parameters in a
+        {name: field} format.
+        """
+        schema = Schema(
+            parameters={"foo": Structure(
+                    fields={"l": List(item=Integer())})})
+        arguments, _ = schema.extract({"foo.l.1": "1", "foo.l.2": "2"})
+        self.assertEqual([1, 2],

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